92억 불 규모 멕시코 신공항 건설, 중국기업에 참여 요청 Mexico wants China involved in new airport after train blunder-source

고속철 사업자 선정 무효화 '보상'?

오는 9월~10월 착공

92억 달러 규모 

New airport in mexico city  멕시코 신공항 조감도


멕시코 정부, 유가하락으로 고속철 건설 무기한 연기 Mexico cuts spending, suspends high-speed rail project Add to ...


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 고속철 사업자 선정 무효화 '보상' 차원? 

멕시코 정부가 민관합작으로 추진하는 신공항 건설 사업에 중국 국유기업이 참여하기를 희망하는 것으로 알려졌다.

엔리케 페냐 니에토 멕시코 대통령은 수도 멕시코시티에 있는 기존 국제공항을 대체해 연간 1억2천만 명의 승객을 수용할 수 있는 세계 최대 규모의 신공항을 건설한다고 작년 9월 발표한 바 있다.

이르면 오는 9월 또는 10월에 착공하는 신공항에는 활주로 6개가 들어서고 총 공사비는 92억 달러에 달한다. 

특히 멕시코 정부가 이 공사에 중국이 참여하기를 바라는 것은 중국 기업이 멕시코시티와 산업도시인 케레타로를 잇는 고속철 사업자로 선정됐다가 취소된 것에 대한 '보상 차원'이 될 것이라고 로이터통신이 한 야당의원의 말을 인용해 31일(현지시간) 보도했다. 

멕시코 정부는 작년 11월 37억 달러 규모의 고속철 사업자로 중국철도총공사를 주축으로 하는 컨소시엄을 선정했다가 일방적으로 취소한 바 있다.

이어 올해 1월 재입찰을 한다고 발표했다가 국제유가 하락에 따른 연방정부의 공공 부문 지출 예산 삭감을 이유로 사업을 무기한 연기했다.

멕시코 정부의 이러한 결정에 대해 중국 총리 등 정부는 페냐 니에토 대통령에게 유감을 표시하는가 하면 중국 기업은 손해배상을 요구하기도 했다.

멕시코 정부가 사업자 선정을 무효로 한 뒤 페냐 니에토 대통령의 부인 리베라와 루이스 비데가라이 재무장관이 컨소시엄에 참가한 멕시코 기업으로부터 담보를 통해 고가의 주택을 사들인 사실이 밝혀지면서 '정경유착' 의혹이 일었다.

신공항 건설과 관련해 멕시코 교통통신부측은 "아직 어떠한 외국 기업에 참여 요청을 한 사실이 없다"면서 "기술력과 재정 능력을 갖춘 기업들은 누구나 대상이 될 수 있다"고 말했다. 

2012년말 집권한 페냐 니에토 정부는 중국의 투자를 적극적으로 유치하고 있다.

멕시코 정부 집계에 따르면 2000년부터 2013년까지 멕시코에 대한 중국의 직접 투자는 2억8천100만 달러로 대만이 투자한 규모의 50%에 미치지 못했다.

미국 뉴욕에 있는 컨설팅사인 로디엄그룹에 따르면 중국은 카리브해를 포함한 중남미 국가들에 2013년 한해에만 144억 달러를 투자했다.

(멕시코시티=연합뉴스) 이동경 특파원 hopema@yna.co.kr 

Mexico wants China involved in new airport after train blunder-



MEXICO CITY, March 31 | By Gabriel Stargardter 

(Reuters) - Mexico is trying to get Chinese state-run companies involved in the construction of a new $11 billion airport as it seeks to make up for a tainted rail tender that soured relations with Beijing, a source with knowledge of the government plan said.

Mexico announced in September it would build the new Mexico City airport to relieve congestion and transform the capital into a major regional hub with six runways eventually serving 120 million passengers a year.

The airport is Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto's flagship infrastructure project. The other, a high-speed train linking Mexico City with the city of Queretaro, was originally awarded to a consortium led by state-run China Railway Construction Corp (CRCC). But it was later put on ice indefinitely - a move that shocked Beijing, officials say.

Senior Mexican officials believe that China could be assuaged by involving some of its state-run companies in the airport construction, said the source, who asked to remain anonymous because he is not authorized to speak publicly.

"In some levels of (China's) government there is deep disappointment and a deep lack of confidence toward Mexico," the person said. "The ball is in our court, and we have to show willingness with new projects."

CRCC had the $3.75 billion rail contract revoked just days before it emerged that Pena Nieto's wife had bought a luxury house from one of the Mexican firms in the winning consortium.

Subsequent media reports showed the president and his finance minister had also either bought or used homes from the same government contractor.

Mexico tendered the rail project again in January, and CRCC was widely expected to win. But a sharp drop in the price of oil, which funds about a third of Mexico's federal budget, forced the government to suspend the project.

After CRCC lost out, a delegation led by Mexican transport and communications minister Gerardo Ruiz Esparza told Chinese officials during a trip to Beijing that Mexico would welcome Chinese involvement in the airport, the source said.

"This is kind of paying a favor to the Chinese companies who were denied the Mexico-Queretaro train," said Daniel Avila, a senior member of the Mexican Senate's Asia-Pacific committee from the center-right National Action Party.

The source added Mexico believes Chinese firms would make a neat fit with Norman Foster, the chosen architect for the Mexico City airport who designed Terminal 3 of Beijing's airport.

China likes the idea, he said, but no decisions have yet been made on which state-run company would be chosen to bid for the upcoming tenders. Ruiz Esparza expects construction of the airport to get underway in September or October this year.

Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said she did not know about the airport project, but added: "We have always said that we support able Chinese companies to go out and have cooperation with other countries on infrastructure construction and building."

Several Chinese companies with experience in large infrastructure projects including China Camc Engineering Co. and China Communications Construction Co. did not reply to requests for comment.

Mexico is still weighing how to divide up work for the massive project, which includes contracts of varying sizes. While some airport contracts have already been assigned, the most juicy construction tenders are still under wraps.

Chinese companies would still have to win any tender, but Mexico could ask certain firms to participate, the source said.

"As far as I know, there's no specific invitation out to anybody," said transport ministry spokesman Rodolfo Gonzalez. "The desire is that everyone who is best equipped, who has the best technical and financing capabilities, should participate."

The project, financed by public and private funds, is scheduled to have three runways and serve some 50 million passengers a year by 2020.

Since taking office in 2012, Pena Nieto has sought to redraw Mexico's relationship with China, a long-time manufacturing rival, and wean Mexico off its reliance on the U.S. market by luring much more Chinese investment.

Between 2000 and 2013, according to Mexican government data, total foreign direct investment from China in Mexico was $281 million - less than half the amount invested by Taiwan.

Chinese investment in Mexico has been just a tiny part of the total for Latin America and the Caribbean, which reached $14.4 billion in 2013, according to official Chinese data compiled by U.S.-based consultancy Rhodium Group. (Additional reporting by Beijing Newsroom; Editing by Dave Graham and Kieran Murray)


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