터키, 35억불 규모 보스포러스 3층 해저터널 건설 Turkey unveils 'mega' tunnel project for Istanbul(VIDEO)

Route map: Three-story tunnel under the Bosphorus to connect the Asian and European sides of Istanbul

보스포러스 3층 해저터널 노선도


source http://ftnnews.com/news-from-turkey/26457-turkish-prime-minister-presents-istanbul-s-new-



메트로폴리탄 '이스탄불 Istanbul' , 2015년 예산 137억 달러 최대 규모 확정

터키의 건설 한류 'SK건설'이 해외 최초 해저터널 뚫는다 Eurasia Tunnel, Istanbul(VIDEO)

edited by kcontents 



터키정부가 이스탄불 보스포러스해협에 자동차와 지하철이 통행할 수 있는 3층 해저터널을 건설한다

터키 수상 아흐메드 다부토글루는 올 6월 총선 전까지 구체적인 방안을 발표할 것이라고 말했다.

이어 연장 6.5km의 3번째 보스포러스 해저 터널이 완성되면 기존도로 및 철도노선과 연계되어 이스탄불의 교통 체증을 개선하게 될 것이라고 언급했다.

이 프로젝트에 소요되는 예상 비용은 35억불로 시행사가 건설비용을 부담하는 BOT 방식으로 추진되며 2020년까지 완료하는 것으로 되어 있다.

현재 보스포러스해협에는 SK건설이 유라시아 해저터널을 현대건설과 대림산업이 보스포러스 제3교를 건설 중에 있다.


콘페이퍼 에디터

Turkey unveils 'mega' tunnel project for Istanbul


Agence France Presse

ISTANBUL: Turkey announced Friday an ambitious project to build a three-story tunnel under the Bosphorus to connect the Asian and European sides of Istanbul.

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu made the announcement in the run up to June elections, calling it a "harbinger for the new Turkey."

He said the 6.5 kilometer tunnel would be integrated into Istanbul's existing highway and railway lines and is aimed at easing the city's intense traffic.

The total cost of the project was estimated at $3.5 billion, but Transport Minister Lutfi Elvan said the state would not spend a "single penny."

He said the builder would cover the construction costs and later be paid back through tolls. The tunnel is expected to be ready by 2020.

The announcement comes on the heels of others including one to build a canal through Istanbul which would allow ships passing from the Marmara Sea to the Black Sea to bypass the Bosphorus, relieving pressure on the vessel-clogged waterway.

Critics have blasted President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's grandiose projects, which also include a new Bosphorus bridge and a third airport, as wildly excessive and damaging to the environment.

The Bosphorus, which bisects Istanbul, Turkey's largest city with some 16 million people, is the world's fourth busiest waterway and together with the Dardanelles Strait connects the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.


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