예멘 모카(Mocha) 60MW 풍력발전 프로젝트 입찰공고 Yemen, Mocha Wind Park Project

Image: the project will be sited on the Red Sea coast (sxc.hu)

Yemen, Mocha Wind Park Project location map


케이콘텐츠 kcontents



예멘 전력에너지부는 아랍경제사회개발기금, 세계은행 등의 지원으로 실시되는 예멘 서부지역 모카(Mocha) 60MW 풍력 발전(Wind Farm) 프로젝트 입찰을 별첨과 같이 공고하였습니다.

입찰대상 : 풍력 발전소 기자재 지원 및 시공

3월 10일, 사전 설명회 및 현장방문
5월 10일 11:00AM (현지기준), 입찰 마감  

자금지원 : 아랍경제사회개발기금(6천5백만불), 세계은행(2천만불), OPEC 국제
개발기금(2천만불), 사우디개발기금(2천만불) 등 총 1.25억불  

문의처 등 상세내용 : 별첨 공고문 참조  

붙임 : 예멘 Mocha 풍력발전 시공 입찰공고문

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Yemen - Mocha Wind Park Project


The development objective of the Mocha Wind Park Project for Yemen is to increase the supply of cost-effective renewable wind electricity. The project has two components. The first component physical investment will support the construction of a wind farm at Mocha of approximately 60 megawatt (MW) generation capacity. This component will initially be implemented by a project management unit (PMU) established under the Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE). 

The second component consulting services and market development consists of the following sub-components: 

(i) an international engineering consulting firm employed to assist the PMU in the procurement and contracting of the supply and installation contractor and in the construction supervision of the project throughout the construction phase and the initial operation stage; 

(ii) an international consulting firm employed to assist MOEE to design tendering procedures and documents for competitive procurement of private-public partnership (PPP) wind projects and to assist MOEE with the tendering process; 

(iii) advisory service for special purpose company (SPC) which will operate commercially with clear contractual arrangement with the electricity off-taker; 

(iv) advisory service and instruments for the implementation of regional long-term wind measurement program in three to five wind development zones; 

(v) consulting service for preliminary environmental and social impact assessments, grid connection planning for promising wind sites; and 

(vi) other consulting services as needed and capacity building activities, including external audit fees


World Bank backs Yemen wind


The World Bank has approved a $20m grant to back the 60MW Mocha wind farm in Yemen.

The scheme on the Red Sea coast is the first wind facility in the country and the total cost is estimated at $144m.

The Arab Fund for Social and Economic Development is to contribute $65m while $20m will come from the OPEC Fund for International Development and $20m from the Saudi Fund for Development.

“We are pleased to support Yemen’s first wind power project together with other donors, which will increase the cost-effective electricity supply essential for poverty reduction, job creation, and economic development,” said World Bank country manager for Yemen Wael Zakout.


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