파나마 운하 확장공사 대형철문 설치 동영상 Panama Canal Expansion Massive Steel Gate Installation(VIDEO)



대형 철문 제원

폭 10M x 높이 30.19M ,3,285TON

총 16개의 롤링게이트가 설치될 예정이다.


The installation of the gates for the new locks of the Panama Canal successfully began today on the Atlantic side of the waterway.

The steel gates are moved using self-propelled motorized wheel transporters (SPMTs) with more than 400 wheels each.

The gate currently being installed is 10 meters wide, 30.19 in height and weighs 3,285 tons. In total, the new locks will have 16 rolling gates, eight in the Pacific and eight in the Atlantic







