'블랙프라이데이' 대혼란 일부 온라인몰 마비..싸우기까지 Black Friday mayhem: Thousands of shoppers fight over bargains...VIDEO

한국어 쇼핑·배송 안내문 등장,

국내 업체들도 '즐거운 비명'


source dailymail



미국의 대규모 할인행사 기간인 블랙프라이데이가 시작되면서 한국 '직구족'도 쇼핑 경쟁에 뛰어들고 있다.


국내외 유통업체의 일부 온라인몰은 고객들이 한꺼번에 몰리면서 접속이 지연됐고, 인기 상품은 판매가 시작된 지 5분이 채 안 돼 하루치 물량이 동나기도 했다.


직구족이 애용하는 아마존과 베스트바이를 비롯해 국내외 유통업체들은 28일 일제히 블랙프라이데이 행사에 돌입했다.


빠르기도 하지 (AP=연합뉴스) 블랙프라이데이 대규모 할인행사를 하루 먼저 시작한 미국

캔사스주 로렌스의 한 상점 앞에 27일(현지시간) 많은 사람들이 몰려와 줄을 서 있다.

블랙프라이데이는 추수감사절 다음날인 11월 마지막 금요일로, 올해 미국 본토에서는 28일 자정(한국 시각 28일 오후 2시)부터 할인이 시작된다.


다만, 많은 업체들이 블랙프라이데이 전날 오후부터 행사를 시작하기 때문에 온라인에서는 한국 시각으로 이날 오전부터 '직구 경쟁'이 시작됐다.


평소에 선뜻 구매하기 어려운 고가의 가전제품이나 명품 잡화·의류, 어린이 완구 등을 최대 90%까지 저렴한 가격에 살 수 있기 때문이다.


이날 출근 직후부터 파이퍼라임·육스닷컴 등 미국 온라인 의류 쇼핑몰을 바쁘게 돌아다닌 회사원 김모(29·여) 씨는 "환율이 한 달 새 50∼60원 올랐는데도 국내 백화점에서 119만원에 파는 패딩을 480달러에 건졌다"고 설명했다.


그는 "사려고 벼르던 다른 옷은 원하는 색이 벌써 품절됐다"며 "물량이 더 풀리기만 기다리면서 계속 '새로고침'을 누르고 있다"고 덧붙였다.


김 씨처럼 쇼핑 고객들이 몰리면서 이날 오전 고급 시계를 주로 판매하는 '애쉬포드' 온라인몰은 '시스템을 업그레이드하는 중'이라는 안내 메시지가 뜨면서 접속이 지연되기도 했다.


휴대전화 케이스 등 전자제품 액세서리를 판매하는 '인케이스'와 해외직구 금액에 대해 캐쉬백 서비스를 받을 수 있는 '이베이츠' 등도 접속이 지연됐다.


미국 유명 백화점인 블루밍데일과 메이시스 등은 '한국 고객 모시기'에 나서면서 홈페이지에 한국어로 쇼핑과 배송 관련 안내문을 띄웠다.


때맞춰 세일에 나선 국내 업체 온라인몰과 오프라인 매장도 즐거운 비명을 지르고 있다.


유아용품 전문점 토이저러스 온라인몰은 이날 오전 9시부터 선착순으로 완구 '티라노킹'을 7만5천원에 판매하기 시작했으나 판매 시작 4분만에 하루치 물량인 250개가 모두 동났다.


특히 접속자가 4만명 가까이 몰리면서 웹사이트가 다운되기도 했다.


국내 화장품 브랜드 로드숍과 의류·신발 등 잡화 매장도 각종 행사 소식을 듣고 방문한 고객들이 몰리면서 궂은 날씨에도 평소보다 활기가 넘치는 모습이다.


직장인 서모(31·여) 씨는 "몇년 전만 해도 블랙프라이데이는 남의 나라 일이었는데 올해는 주변에서 직구를 하는 지인들이 늘고 국내 업체들도 행사를 많이 해서 내 기분도 들뜨는 것 같다"며 "덕분에 필요했던 화장품을 싼값에 살 수 있어서 뿌듯하다"고 말했다.

(서울=연합뉴스) 고유선 김아람 기자 cindy@yna.co.kr


Black Friday mayhem: Thousands of shoppers fight over bargains in stores and crash retailers' websites in hunt for Christmas deals


•Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable Sir Peter Fahy said mayhem which broke out was 'totally predictable'
•He blamed supermarkets for failing to have enough staff, as shoppers flocked to stores to snap up cut-price goods
•Manchester police called to 7 Tesco stores due to fighting, with one store having to be closed after 36 minutes
•Two arrests were made over assaults - one man allegedly told a staff member in Salford he 'smash their face in'
•A woman was injured by a falling TV at a Tesco store in Stretford, while a shop worker left the store with a black eye
•Several major websites crashed under 'huge demand' with Currys, Argos, Tesco Direct and Boots having problems
•Desperate customers were seen brawling over a Blaupunkt HD TV in Tesco which had been slashed by just £60
•Scotland Yard confirmed officers were called to supermarkets in Willesden, Surrey Quays, Edmonton and Edgware


By Emma Glanfield and Steph Cockroft and Jennifer Smith for MailOnline

senior police officer has hit out at supermarkets for failing to have adequate security in the run-up to the Black Friday sales, after scenes of chaos broke out across UK stores as bargain-hunters desperately tried to get their hands on cut-price items.

Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police Sir Peter Fahy said the mayhem which broke out overnight were 'totally predictable' but that stores did not have enough staff on duty in the run-up to the manic sales.


Videos and pictures have emerged today showing shoppers fighting in stores and clambering over each other amid scenes of mayhem, while one store had to be closed just 36 minutes after opening due to fighting between customers.   


One man was arrested on suspicion of assault in the Tesco store in Salford after allegedly telling a staff member that he would 'smash their face in', while another woman was injured by a falling TV/ 


Sir Peter said: 'The events of last night were totally predictable and I am disappointed that stores did not have sufficient security staff on duty.


'This created situations where we had to deal with crushing, disorder and disputes between customers. It does not help that this was in the early hours when police resources are already stretched.'  


Scroll down for videos and some of the best Black Friday deals

In shocking scenes, a woman desperately clung to a  TV after a brawl broke out at the Asda store in Wembley over the cut-price item

In shocking scenes, a woman desperately clung to a TV after a brawl broke out at the Asda store in Wembley over the cut-price item

The woman competed with other shoppers to try and get her hands on the last Polaroid TV in the store, which had just £80 knocked off the original price

The woman competed with other shoppers to try and get her hands on the last Polaroid TV in the store, which had just £80 knocked off the original price

A staff member was forced to intervene as the customer fell to her knees in a desperate attempt to claim the TV, which was reduced form £219 to £139

A staff member was forced to intervene as the customer fell to her knees in a desperate attempt to claim the TV, which was reduced form £219 to £139

The shoppers were seen pushing and fighting one another on the shop floor as they tried to get their hands on the reduced item

The shoppers were seen pushing and fighting one another on the shop floor as they tried to get their hands on the reduced item

Crowds surged through the store as they battled to purchase one of the Polaroid 40inch HD TVs which is now out of stock across Asda stores

Crowds surged through the store as they battled to purchase one of the Polaroid 40inch HD TVs which is now out of stock across Asda stores

A man is one of the first shoppers through the door at Asda in Wembley where crowds turned on each other to fight over TVs and gadgets

A man is one of the first shoppers through the door at Asda in Wembley where crowds turned on each other to fight over TVs and gadgets

Hundreds of people push through the doors of Asda in Wembley, north London, this morning in a bid to get their hands on a bargain 

Hundreds of people push through the doors of Asda in Wembley, north London, this morning in a bid to get their hands on a bargain 

Black Friday
Black Friday

Huge crowds swelled through the Tesco store in Edmonton, one of the four London stores to where police had to be called over Black Friday mayhem

Chaos erupted at another Asda store in north London where hundreds pushed over each other to get their hands on discounted goods 

Chaos erupted at another Asda store in north London where hundreds pushed over each other to get their hands on discounted goods 

Hundreds of people push through the doors of Asda in Wembley, north London, this morning in a bid to get their hands on a bargain 

Men clamber over one another as determined shoppers push their way to through Asda in north London. Despite disruption across stores throughout the capital, Metropolitan Police made no arrests in relation to Black Friday sales overnight 

In Tesco stores up and down the country, desperate shoppers were seen scrapping as they tried to get their hands on what appeared to be one of Tesco's best-selling market items - a Blaupunkt HD TV, which had just £60 off the original price.


At an Asda store in Wembley, shocking pictures emerged showing a woman clinging to a Polaroid TV which had been reduced by just £80, as a shop worker attempted to prise her from the box.  


Greater Manchester Police were called to seven stores overnight, including the Tesco Extra store in Stretford which had to be closed because of the level of fighting.


The force said two people were arrested at Black Friday sales events, before writing on its Twitter page: 'Keep calm people.' 


He added: 'Across Greater Manchester large supermarkets already make significant demands on policing through calls to shoplifting, anti-social behaviour and thefts of fuel from their petrol stations - much of which is preventable.

'We just ask these stores to work with us to reduce the demands on policing and reduce the risks of disorder and crime.'


Another 42-year-old man was arrested over an alleged assault at the store in Tesco, Burnage, while two men were kicked out of a store in Central Park, Wigan. 

Hundreds of people also refused to leave the store on Barton Road, Middleton, despite staff telling them repeatedly that all stock had been sold. At the store in Stockport Road, Hattersley, another man was arrested for a public order offence. 

Shaun Thompson, 21, described how 'all hell broke lose' at the Stretford store. He said: 'Tesco had got a queueing system in place at about 11pm but that fell down pretty quickly.

'It was getting more heated by the minute and the next thing, at about ten to midnight, voices got raised. The shouting went through the roof, then all hell broke loose. They were ripping the plastic off the palettes and people started fighting.

'One girl, who can't have been more than 16, picked up some advent calendars and flung them across the shop. I saw a member of staff leaving with a black eye. It was something I would never like to experience again.' 

Scotland Yard confirmed officers had been called to at least four stores in London, including in Willesden, Surrey Quays, Edmonton and Edgware, following frantic reports of crowd surges and scuffles. 

Shoppers flocked to stores across Britain just after midnight to snap up Black Friday bargains, including heavily-discounted flat screen TVs 

Shoppers flocked to stores across Britain just after midnight to snap up Black Friday bargains, including heavily-discounted flat screen TVs 

There were chaotic scenes in supermarkets up and down the country including at a Tesco store in Baguely, Wythenshawe, Manchester
Shoppers could be seen scrambling among themselves desperately trying to pick up some of the cut-price goods

There were chaotic scenes in supermarkets up and down the country including at a Tesco store in Baguely, Wythenshawe, Manchester

There were lengthy queues outside Tesco in Bolton just before the Black Friday started at midnight (left) before scrambling commenced (right)

Tesco Extra in Kingston Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, was packed full of shoppers clambering to snap up bargains just after midnight

Tesco Extra in Kingston Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, was packed full of shoppers clambering to snap up bargains just after midnight

Several customers in Kingston Park Tesco in Newcastle upon Tyne hit the store in the early hours to get their hands on cut-price products

Several customers in Kingston Park Tesco in Newcastle upon Tyne hit the store in the early hours to get their hands on cut-price products

In a Tesco store in Great Yarmouth, shoppers could be seen tearing open a box of cut-price LED TVs before rushing off to the till to buy them

In a Tesco store in Great Yarmouth, shoppers could be seen tearing open a box of cut-price LED TVs before rushing off to the till to buy them

Several Tesco Extra stores were full of customers after opening at one minute past midnight, including this store in Norwich, Norfolk

Several Tesco Extra stores were full of customers after opening at one minute past midnight, including this store in Norwich, Norfolk

The start of empty shelves could be seen in this video footage taken in Tesco in Lea Valley, London

Video footage taken inside a Tesco store in Lea Valley, London, showed customers scrambling to get to the shelves as the sales launched

Chaos ensued in Lea Valley Tesco in London

Pushing and shoving appeared be the order of the day as shoppers in the London supermarket barged each other out of the way to get deals

Police were called to the Tesco superstore in Stretford, Greater Manchester, before reports of the supermarket being forced to close early

Police were called to the Tesco superstore in Stretford, Greater Manchester, before reports of the supermarket being forced to close early


The Black Friday phenomenon has spread to the UK in recent years after becoming a big hit in the U.S., where traditionally big sales occur on the first Friday after the Thanksgiving holiday.
Today is expected to be the UK's biggest day of spending this year, with the majority of stores – both online and in the high street – heavily discounting an array of goods.
Major fashion chains such as Topshop, Urban Outfitters, John Lewis, Marks & Spencer, House of Fraser and Debenhams are promising deals of between 50 and 70 per cent off, while supermarket giants including Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury's will battle it out with cut-price technological goods, toys and home furnishings.

There were scenes of chaos in several supermarkets up and down the country in the early hours of this morning, after shoppers queued outside for several hours before descending on the stores when they opened just after midnight.
Several large Tesco stores across Britain opened at one minute past midnight to catch early bird shoppers, while Sainsbury's started its sale at 1am in its 24-hour stores.
In one Tesco store in Glasgow, shoppers could be seen physically pushing each other out of the way and shouting at one another as they frantically tried to get their hands on slashed-price technology goods.
There were reports that the Tesco Extra store was forced to temporarily close due to the chaos.
Craig Lin wrote on Twitter: 'If your (sic) going to Tesco Silverburn, don't bother. Police have shut it down due to fighting over sales.'






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