이란, 러시아와 원전 2기 건설 합의 Iran, Russia to sign nuclear plants deal Tuesday


Under a proposed deal, Russia would convert uranium into specialized fuel rods for Iran’s Bushehr

nuclear power plant. Credit Majid Asgaripour/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

source nytimes


Iran nuclear plant plan(2009) source elections.thinkabouti


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US considering a nuclear deal with Iran reliant on Russia




이란이 러시아와 원자력발전소 2기를 건설하는 계약을 맺을 예정이라고 이란 국영 IRNA 통신이 9일(현지시간) 보도했다.


보도에 따르면 알리 아크바르 살레히 이란원자력청(AEOI) 청장은 11일 원전 건설과 관련한 계약을 맺기 위해 러시아를 방문할 예정이다.


살레히 청장은 IRNA 통신에 "모스크바에서 새로운 원전 건설을 위한 합의서에 서명할 것"이라고 말했다.


AEOI의 베흐루즈 카말반디 대변인 역시 1천㎿ 용량의 원전 2기를 걸프해역과 인접한 해안도시 부셰르에 건설하는 데 양국이 최종 합의했다고 확인했다.


부셰르엔 러시아가 건설한 1천㎿ 용량의 원전 1기가 2013년 9월 완성돼 가동중이다.

양국은 모두 서방의 경제제재를 받는 터라 이를 타개하려고 최근 산업·투자 협력을 확대하고 있다.


(두바이=연합뉴스) 강훈상 특파원 hskang@yna.co.kr


Iran, Russia to sign nuclear plants deal



Head of Iran's atomic energy agency to travel to Russi to 'sign an agreement for the construction of new nuclear power plants.'


The head of Iran's atomic energy agency will travel to Russia Tuesday to sign a construction deal for two nuclear power plants on Iran's southern Gulf shores, media reported.


Ali Akbar Salehi's visit will cap months of negotiations between Iran and Russia, and comes as the Islamic republic faces a November 24 deadline for a long-term nuclear agreement with world powers.


Iran's Rouhani with Russia's Putin (Photo: AP)


"I am going to Moscow to sign an agreement for the construction of new nuclear power plants," Salehi was quoted as saying on Sunday by Iran's official IRNA news agency.


It quoted Tehran's ambassador to Moscow, Mehdi Sanaei, as saying on Facebook that the visit would take place on Tuesday.


Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi, also quoted by IRNA, said Russia and Iran are set to "finalise and sign the agreement for the construction of two nuclear plants".


Under a provisional agreement, Russia will build two 1,000-megawatt plants next to Iran's sole existing plant in the southern Gulf port city of Bushehr.


The Bushehr plant, which also produces 1,000 megawatts, was built by Russia after being delayed for years and officially handed over in September 2013.


Iran plans to build 20 more plants in the future, including four in Bushehr alone, to decrease its dependency on oil and gas.


Russia and Iran, which are both targeted by international sanctions, signed a number of trade and investment deals in September to help boost their economies.


One of the most important protocols involves energy, and would include creating a power network linking the two countries, for which Iran is desperate for investment.


Russia would also build 10 new conventional electrical power plants in Iran.


Iran is rich in oil and gas, but has long sought to diversify its energy sources, and its drive for nuclear power has complicated relations with the West.


Tehran denies claims by the West and Israel that it is seeking nuclear weapons and insists that it is pursuing atomic energy purely for peaceful purposes.

Iran has been locked in thorny nuclear talks with six world powers, including the United States and Russia, with pressure mounting ahead of a November 24 deadline for a lasting deal to be clinched.


On Sunday, US Secretary of State John Kerry met Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in the Gulf sultanate of Oman to try to narrow differences ahead of the deadline





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