800억불 규모 영국 고속철도 'High Speed2' 프로젝트 추진 동향

High Speed1, wiki


High Speed2 프로젝트 노선도, wiki



High Speed 2 (HS2) concept animation



2033년 완공 목표



영국 교통부는 빠르면 '17년 1분기에 고속철도 공사(일명 High Speed2 프로젝트)를 발주할 계획이다.


동 프로젝트를 추진하는데 약 800억불이 소요 될 것으로 예상되는데 이는 기존에 발표됐던 금액보다 약 100억불이 증가한 수치다.


'09년 1분기에 첫 발표된 동 프로젝트는 총 연장 531km로 런던을 기착지로 하여 버밍험(Birmingham)을 분기점으로 북동쪽으로는 맨체스터(Manchester), 북서쪽으로는 리즈(Leeds)를 각각 연결하게 되며 2033년 완공을 목표로 하고 있다.


이번 High Speed2 프로젝트에는 철로 공사 이외에도 신호 및 통신시스템, 교량, 역사, 변속기 등 관련 인프라 공사가 포함되어 있다.


한편, 동 프로젝트에 대한 자세한 내용은 영국 교통부에서 발표한 자료(Click)를 참조하면 된다.


※ 관련기사 : 705억불 규모의 고속철도 프로젝트 추진

Construction Intelligence Center(2014.9.16)




High Speed 2 (HS2)

High Speed 2 (HS2) is a planned[2][3] high-speed railway between London Euston, the English Midlands, North West England, Yorkshire, and potentially North East England and the Central Belt of Scotland.

The project is being developed by High Speed Two Ltd, a company limited by guarantee established by the UK government.


The line is to be built in two phases. The first phase will be between London and Birmingham, then the second phase to Manchester Piccadilly running under Crewe railway station and via Manchester Airport, and to Leeds via the East Midlands Hub and Sheffield Meadowhall. Four major city centres shall be served directly: London, Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester. Other cities are to be accessed using HS2 trains running on existing tracks or with edge-of-town stations.


High-speed rail is officially supported in principle by the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties, and opposed by UKIP and the Green Party. A number of individual Labour and Conservative politicians do not support their party line, and oppose the HS2 scheme in detail; some reject the whole principle of high-speed rail.


The Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition government formed in May 2010 stated in its initial programme for government its commitment to creating a high-speed rail network.[4] In January 2012 the construction of phase 1 between London and Birmingham was approved. Construction is set to begin in 2017 with an indicated opening date of 2026. In January 2013 the preliminary phase 2 route was announced with a planned completion date of 2032. The cost is estimated by the Department for Transport to be £43 billion; a study by the Institute of Economic Affairs suggested a total cost of £80 billion. On English soil a comparable development is HS1. wiki



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