85억불 이집트 수에즈운하 확장공사 본격 시동건다 Egypt raises $8.5bn for Suez Canal expansion VIDEO


수에즈운하 확장공사 85억불 재원조달 완료


이집트 중앙은행은 이번 수에즈 확장공사를 위해 85억불의 자금이 소요될 것이라고 밝혔다.


또한 자금 조달 목표액은 이집트 투자자에 대한 은행 보증서를 지급하게 되면 8일 이내에

이루지게되며 더 이상의 자금조달 업무는 진행하지 않을 것이라고 말했다


수에즈운하 확장공사는 유럽과 아시아의 가장 빠른 물류 통로의 확보로 무역량을 증가시키고

수에즈운하 주변 76,000M2에 대한 물류허브 개발을 목표로 한다.


정부관계자는 현재 5억불의 수입이 2023년에는 13.5억달로로 증가할 것으로 기대하고 있다.

<에디터 황기철>






Egypt raises $8.5bn for Suez Canal expansion

by Cathal McElroy on Sep 16, 2014

Egypt has raised the $8.5bn (EGP61bn) it needs to fund a project to expand the Suez Canal, the country’s central bank governor said.


Hisham Ramez told Reuters that the target was reached in just eight days after banks issued investment certificates to Egyptian citizens to finance the project.


With the target met, fundraising has closed and Egyptians will no longer be able to buy the investment certificates, the governor said.


The Suez Canal project, which is aimed at expanding trade along what is the fastest shipping route between Europe and Asia, includes the development of 76,000km² around the canal into an international industrial and logistics hub to attract more ships and generate income.


Officials have said the new development would boost annual revenues from the Suez Canal, which is operated by the state-owned Suez Canal Authority, to $13.5bn by 2023 from $5bn currently.




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