UAE 바라카원전 3,4호기 시공권 획득 Abu Dhabi gets licence for third and fourth reactors at Barakah


UAE 바라카원전 3,4호기 시공권 획득

올해 안으로 1,2호기 운영권 자격도 가질 듯


아랍에미레이트 UAE연방원자력규제청(FANR)이 UAE 원자력공사(Enec)가 제출한 바라카 원전 3·4호기의 시공계획을 허락했으며 이는 잔여 공정에 대한 시공 검사와도 관련되어 있다. Fanr은 지난 달에 1호기가 55%의 공정률을 달성했다고 발표한 바 있다.
Fanr은 또 원자력 발전소 건설사업의 중요한 2단계 과정에 대해서도 언급했는데 1단계는 시공자격을 부여 받는 것이며 가장 중요한 2단계는 운영 자격을 획득하는 것이다.
시공 자격을 부여 받는다는 것은 남은 3,4호기에 대한 시공도 계속할 수 있다는 최종 결정의 의미이며 Enec가 제시한 설계기준의 적합성에 대한 예비적인 결정사항이기도 하다.
현재 시공 중인 1,2호기의 운영부분에 대한 자격은 아직 발급하지 않은 상태이며 Fanr은 Enec가 수개월 내로 1,2호기의 운영 자격 획득을 위한 신청을 할 것으로 기대하고 있다.
에디터 황기철



Last month, Enec announced that more than 55 per cent of Unit 1 was complete.

Abu Dhabi has been granted licences to begin construction on its third and fourth reactors at Barakh. Courtesy Enec


Abu Dhabi gets licence for third and fourth reactors at Barakah


Caline Malek

September 15, 2014
ABU DHABI // The construction licence for Abu Dhabi’s third and fourth nuclear reactors at Barakah in the Western Region was granted on Monday, the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (Fanr) said.


The Government body said it was also about to establish its resident inspection office at the site to ensure a continuous presence for the remainder of the construction.


“We look on this as a big milestone,” said Dr William Travers, director-general of Fanr. “We put a lot of effort into the review.


“It follows on, and is complementary to, the review that we performed for units 1 and 2. It’s another significant event because it really does represent one of the first times a so-called ‘new entrant’ country embarking on its first nuclear power plant project has received a construction licence for nuclear power plant usage, so it’s quite important.”


Last month, Enec announced that more than 55 per cent of Unit 1 was complete.


“Today is an extension of a long effort to perform a very detailed technical assessment of the application that was provided by Enec in March 2013,” Dr Travers said.


“There’s lots of follow-on to come.

Inspection activities at the site are being performed by Fanr in connection with all four units.


An important element in the licencing for a nuclear power plant is the fact that this is a two-step process, so while the construction licence is an important first step, it’s not the last step.”

The most important is the operating licence, which is yet to come.


“It’s the point in time when all matters of regulatory significance, including safety and security, need to be resolved entirely,” he said. “At the construction licence phase, some issues can be pending.


So the construction licence is characterised as a final decision on the adequacy of the site to host another two units and it is a preliminary decision on the adequacy of the design of the units as they have been proposed by Enec.”


This stage looks at issues that need to be resolved before they can start the safety-related construction of the plant.


“So we have high confidence that the design and site are adequate,” said Dr Travers. “We look at many issues from a hydrological and seismic point of view, and check, for example, whether there is enough water to cool the reactors and whether there are issues like sandstorms that – if they were to be encountered – would create safety problems for the facility. We’ve come to a final determination that site is suitable and acceptable.”


More frequent inspections will also take place.


“We’re out there every other week with a team of people but we’re just about to establish our resident inspection office at the site,” he said.


Inspections will include important elements related to nuclear safety, such as correct implementation of the design, establishment of electrical feeds, equipment and a correct placement of the rebar, as well as further construction of the control room to support the operation.


The Environment Agency Abu Dhabi also undertakes inspections by looking at potential environmental effects that are not associated with radiation and radiological release.


“They might look at thermal discharge from the plants and how that might affect coral and sea life,” Dr Travers said.


“We’re obligated to look at the potential impact of any radiological releases both in the normal operational context, as well as theoretically postulating the possibility of an accident and what impact that might have. The site is viewed to be acceptable for those four units.”


Fanr is expecting an application from Enec for an operating licence for units 1 and 2 within the next few months.


Hamad Alkaabi, the UAE Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, said the approval represented a green light for Enec to start the construction of reactors 3 and 4. “The UAE nuclear programme is well-recognised internationally for its transparency, fast-moving progress and strong safety framework. The project can now expand to the next phase.”


A training programme was also launched on Monday by Enec and Abu Dhabi Polytechnic to develop a skilled Emirati workforce to support the UAE’s nuclear energy industry. They will collaborate on a customised nuclear energy curriculum for students of Enec’s Energy Pioneers scholarship programme.

Mohammed Al Hammadi, Enec’s chief executive, said nurturing the next generation of nuclear energy leaders in the UAE was one of Enec’s top priorities.





Construction News

