[속보] 미군 장갑차, 트럼프 철수 선언 불구 유전방어 위해 시리아 진입 VIDEO: BREAKING NEWS: Convoy of armored U.S. military vehicles enters Syria to defend oil fields in spite of Trump's

BREAKING NEWS: Convoy of armored U.S. military vehicles enters Syria to defend oil fields in spite of Trump's vow to withdraw from the country

U.S. military convoy drives the he town of Qamishli, north Syria, by a poster showing Syrain President Bashar Aassad Saturday

US military convoy was spotted on Saturday near Qamishli in northern Syria

American forces have re-entered the country from Iraq to protect oil fields

Defense Secretary Mark Esper previously said the move would be necessary

Trump had tweeted just hours earlier about 'BRINGING OUR TROOPS HOME'


미군 장갑차, 트럼프 철수 선언 불구 유전방어 위해 시리아 진입

   도널드 트럼프 대통령이 시리아에서 철수하겠다고 공언한 것을 두고 미군 장갑차 행렬이 시리아로 들어가는 모습이 포착되고 있다.

터키와 시리아 북부 접경지역인 카미슐리 시 인근에서는 미국 국기를 게양한 장갑차 수십 대가 목격됐다.

미 국방부의 한 관리는 미 국방부가 시리아 민주군의 쿠르드족 전사들과 협력하여 디르 에조르 지방의 추가 군사 자산으로 위치를 보강하기 시작했다고 말했다.

그는 "이슬람국가(IS)이 한때 지하디스트 통제하에 있던 시리아의 유전에 접근하는 것을 막기 위한 것"이라고 설명했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 20:48 BST, 26 October 2019 | UPDATED: 00:34 BST, 27 October 2019

A U.S. convoy of over a dozen vehicles was spotted driving south of the northeastern city of Qamishli, likely heading to the oil-rich Deir el-Zour area where there are oil fields, or possibly to another base nearby

A convoy of U.S. military armored vehicles has been spotting entering Syria, in the latest sign that President Donald Trump's vow to pull out of the country will prove complicated to see through.

The convoy some dozen armored vehicles displaying the American flag was spotted on Saturday near the town of Qamishli, in an oil-rich region on Syria's northern border with Turkey.

A U.S. defense official official said that the Pentagon has begun reinforcing positions in Deir Ezzor province with extra military assets in coordination with Kurdish fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces. 

The aim was to prevent the Islamic State group and other actors from gaining access to oil fields in an area of Syria that was once under jihadist control, he said, declining to elaborate. 

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitor, also reported the convoy, saying it arrived earlier from Iraq


A U.S. defense official official said that the Pentagon has begun reinforcing positions in Deir Ezzor province with extra military assets in coordination with Kurdish fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces

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