세계 최고의 살기 좋은 도시 1위는...서울 77위 VIDEO: This City Has the Best Quality of Life in the World

This City Has the Best Quality of Life in the World


The world is becoming a smaller place. Thanks to advancements in travel and technology, people are able to do their jobs from just about anywhere. And the global economy is benefitting from it. Now, all you — and your company — needs to do is move to one of these top cities for quality of life and you should be all set for success.

Wien 오스트리아 빈/Travel + Leisure


세계 최고의 살기 좋은 도시 1위는...서울 77위

오스트리아 비엔나, 10년째 이어가

    오스트리아 빈이 미국 컨설팅업체 머서가 13일(현지시간) 발표한 살기 좋은 도시 순위에서 10년 연속 1위에 올랐다.

기업·기관의 외국 인력 채용 때 참고할 수 있는 자료 성격의 살기 좋은 도시 순위에서 빈은 1위 자리를 고수했고 스위스 취리히, 독일 뮌헨, 캐나다 밴쿠버, 뉴질랜드 오클랜드가 나란히 5위까지 차례로 이름을 올렸다.

독일 뒤셀도르프와 프랑크푸르트, 덴마크 코펜하겐, 스위스 제네바와 바젤이 6∼10위를 차지했다.

유럽 주요 도시 중에는 영국 런던이 41위, 프랑스 파리가 39위에 올랐다.

파리는 매주 '노란 조끼' 시위가 벌어지고 있지만 지난해 9∼11월 이뤄진 조사 때 '노란 조끼' 시위는 평가 요소에서 제외됐다.

머서의 보고서는 기업, 기관이 해외 주재원의 적정 임금을 산정하는 데 참고할 수 있도록 주택, 정치적 안정성, 범죄율, 여가, 대기오염, 사회기반시설, 건강보험 체계, 교육 등 39개 항목을 평가해 순위를 매긴다.

서울은 77위로 수년째 70위권에 머물렀다. 아시아에서는 싱가포르가 25위로 가장 높은 순위를 기록했고 도쿄 49위, 홍콩이 71위를 차지했다.

미국에서는 샌프란시스코가 34위, 뉴욕이 44위에 올랐다.

이라크 바그다드는 231위로 조사 대상 도시 중 순위가 가장 낮았고 예멘의 사나(229위), 중앙아프리카공화국의 방기(230위)도 낮은 순위에 머물렀다.

(제네바=연합뉴스) 이광철 특파원 minor@yna.co.kr

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In its 2019 Quality of Living Rankingthis link opens in a new tab, global consultancy Mercer analyzed more than 230 cities to determine which ones are the absolute best for both business and life.

For its rankings, Mercer considers housing, education, public services including public transportation, the natural environment, recreation, and political and social environment, according to Business Insiderthis link opens in a new tab.

Cities with the highest quality of living

1. Vienna, Austria

2. Zurich, Switzerland

3. Vancouver, Canada

3. Munich, Germany

3. Auckland, New Zealand

6.  Dusseldorf, Germany

7. Frankfurt, Germany

8. Copenhagen, Denmark

9. Geneva, Switzerland

10. Basel, Switzerland


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And, as Mercer noted, its rankings are conducted annually to “enable multinational companies and other organizations to compensate employees fairly when placing them on international assignments.”

Zurich, Switzerland/FT Property Listings 

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“Companies looking to expand overseas have a host of considerations when identifying where best to locate staff and new offices,” Ilya Bonic, Senior Partner and President of Mercer’s Career business, shared in a statement. “The key is relevant, reliable data and standardized measurement, which are essential for employers to make critical decisions, from deciding where to establish offices to determining how to distribute, house and remunerate their global workforces.”

So, which city tops the chart? According to Mercer, if you want both your business and employees to thrive, send them to Vienna.

“Globally, Vienna tops the ranking for the 10th year running, closely followed by Zurich,” Mercer explained of its findings. “In joint third place are Auckland, Munich, and Vancouver – the highest ranking city in North America for the last 10 years.”

Vancouver/Canadian Architect

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Other global cities including Singapore, Montevideo, and Port Louis maintained their status as the highest ranking cities in Asia, South America and Africa respectively.

“Despite still featuring at the bottom of the quality of living list, Baghdad has witnessed significant improvements related to both safety and health services,” Mercer added. “Caracas, however, saw living standards drop following significant political and economic instability.”

As for the United States, just one city rose in the rankings: New York City. That’s because crime rates are falling in the city. However, all other US cities covered in the analysis fell in the rankings, with Washington DC falling the furthest. Detroit, Mercer said, “remains the U.S. city with the lowest quality of living this year.”

Though, as Mercer importantly noted, its rankings are meant to be used by “multinational organizations, government agencies, and municipalities,” so don’t get too upset about your 


