인생에서 가장 행복한 시기는 The Two Happiest Ages In Life, According To New Study, Are Unexpected

The Two Happiest Ages In Life, According To New Study, Are Unexpected


Though your younger years are often categorized as “glory days,” there are actually plenty of reasons to look forward to getting older. After all, more life experience comes with more wisdom, more skills and perhaps even more joy. Case in point: a study from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences has concluded that people are the happiest at two different ages in their lives — and it might surprise you to learn what they are.


The ONS data aims to improve wellbeing. Photograph: Indiapicture/Alamy


인생에서 가장 행복한 시기는

16세와 70세

    인생에서 가장 행복한 시기는 16세와 70세라는 연구 결과가 나왔다.

영국의 독립 연구 기관인 레졸루션 재단이 통계청 자료를 분석한 결과에 따르면, 영국인에게 행복감, 만족감, 자존감이 가장 높아지는 시기는 청소년기와 노년기에 두 차례 찾아온다.

반면, 인생의 ‘가운데 토막’에 해당하는 20대 중반에서 50대 중반의 시기는 걱정과 고민이 증가하는 구간으로 나타났다.

연구에 따르면 10대 후반에서 20대 초반까지 높았던 삶의 질은 서른에 가까워지면 급속하게 떨어지면서 50대가 될 때까지 악화 일로를 걷는다. 그러나 쉰 살을 넘기면 일흔이 될 때까지 행복감, 자존감 등을 회복하며 삶의 질이 좋아진다.

영국 의회 직속 통계청이 주관적인 삶의 질을 측정하는 자료를 수집한 것은 지난 2010년이었다. 국내총생산(GDP) 등으로 측정되지 않는 삶의 질을 정책에 반영하기 위해서였다.

재단의 조지 뱅엄 연구원은 “개인의 인생은 GDP 등의 수치만으로 뭉뚱그릴 수 없다”면서 “소득 재분배, 좋은 일자리, 안정적인 주택 정책 등을 통해 돈으로 측정되지 않는 삶의 질을 높여야 한다”고 강조했다.

이번 연구에서 영국인들은 삶의 질에 큰 영향을 미치는 변수를 △건강 △일자리 △배우자 △나이 △수입액 △주택 소유 등의 순으로 꼽았다.

이번 연구(Happy now? Lessons for economic policy makers from a focus on subjective well-being)는 재단이 발간했고, 일간지 가디언이 보도했다.

이용재 기자 youngchaeyi@kormedi.com  코메디닷컴

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The study, led by the school’s Centre of Economic Performance, polled 23,000 German adults from the ages of 17 to 85 on how satisfied they were with their lives overall. It also asked them to predict how they thought they would feel about their lives in five years. The same people were then asked to retake the survey five years later. The results led to a pretty fascinating conclusion.


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According to the data pull from the study, our levels of happiness in life seem to follow a U-shaped curve between the ages of 20 to 70, with our joy peaking at the ages of 23 and 69. Wow… who would’ve thunk that our happiness would climax at two such different ages?

Though I personally would’ve never predicted those ages for peak contentment, it starts to make a little more sense the more you think about it. At 23, most people are entering their first real jobs and taking the first exciting steps into launching their adult careers . Meanwhile, at 69, many have already happily settled into retirement and found a new groove in the post-work years.

Of course, it’s kind of alarming to hear that there are so many years between the projected ages of when you experience peak happiness. But according to the study, there’s a reason for the wide span of time in between. Researchers concluded that younger people tend to their overestimate their future life satisfaction while older people tend to underestimate it, leading to that U-shaped curve of happiness. Plus, a lot happens in those decades in between peaks, like getting a major job promotion, starting a family or launching a business — all of which can affect your level of satisfaction with life.


