아찔한 고공에서의 해먹 휴식 Adventurers Relax in Hammocks Hanging Hundreds of Feet Above Ground(VIDEO)

Adventurers Relax in Hammocks Hanging Hundreds of Feet Above Ground

이태리 돌로미테스의 몬테 피아나는 100년 전 1차 세계 대전 시 18천명의 군인들이 

전사한 곳이다.

지난 주에 매년 열리는 2015 몬테 피아나 해먹 하이라인 미팅축제에서는 이들를 추모

하는 행사가 열렸다.

지상에서 수십미터 공중에 매달려 있는 17개의 형형색색의 해먹의 젊은이들은 신문을 

보거나 같이 노래도 하며 망중한에 몰입해있다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Jenny Zhang

One century ago, fierce battles broke out in the shadow of Monte Piana in the Italian Dolomites as WWI began. The 18,000 young soldiers who lost their lives at that site were honored this past week at the 2015 Highline Meeting Monte Piana, an annual event that unites young people from all over the world through their shared passions for adventure and the sport of highlining.

Since the first meeting was organized by co-founders Alessandro d’Emilia and Armin Holzer in 2012, thrill-seekers have gravitated towards the Dolomites each year for the chance to slackline between mountain peaks, hang out inhammocks suspended hundreds of feet above the ground, and meet like-minded people. This time, however, the event was even more poignant because of the 100-year anniversary of the conflicts near Monte Piana. To remember those who died on the field a century ago, Ticket to the Moon coordinated a special "Rainbow Warriors" session as a symbol of peace and a tribute to the past. 26 athletes came together to sing, laugh, and lounge in 17 colorful hammocks strung up high in the sky. "Just a hundred years ago, winters up here were characterized by bombs, grenades, and lots of pain," d'Emilia and Holzer explained. "Our idea was to re-experience Monte Piana in friendship and peace with each other, accompanied by kindhearted feelings during the day, and lulled to sleep at night by magical silence."

Like last year, Vienna-based photographer Sebastian Wahlhütter was there to photograph the Highline Meeting, which kicked off on September 10 and just wrapped up on September 15. Highlining, he told us, is an "incredible experience." He shared: "I can remember the first time going to sit on a highline, and it was really an intense experience. Once you are in the hammock, it's perfect, and you get a feeling of freedom; even though it's so exposed, relaxing is not a problem."

Overall, Wahlhütter says he's grateful to be part of such a unique event. "This is a gathering and special experience for everyone participating," he wrote to us in an email. "But the hammock action is also a symbol and a tribute to the past, and should remind us that there were also other times at this place when people were killing each other. In a way, the whole concept can also be reduced to 'building bridges' instead of fighting each other."

Sebastian Wahlhütter: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr
Highline Meeting Monte Piana: Website | Facebook

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