장 누벨의 파리 필하모닉 음악홀 설계 Philharmonie de Paris by Jean Nouvel(VIDEO)

Philharmonie de Paris by Jean Nouvel
The Paris Philharmonic Building, France

장 누벨의 파리 필하모닉 음악홀 디자인

Date built: 2015
Design: Ateliers Jean Nouvel

유명 프랑스 건축가 장 누벨은 최근 자신의 콘서트홀 건축공사 소송에서 패했다고 
텔레그라프지가 보도했다.

장 누벨은 2억8천만파운드 파리 콘서트홀 건축공사 설계변경 건에 대해 법원에 
소송을 제기한 바 있다.

재판부는 누벨의 회사가 합당한 서류를 제출하지 못했다고 말했다.

한편 장 누벨은 파리 콘서트홀 오프닝 행사 불참을 선언했다. 

그는 아직 재판은 끝났지 않았으며 회사의 과투입 비용에 대한 보상 문제나 남아 
있기 때문이라고 노골적으로 불만을 표시했다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Star French architect Jean Nouvel loses court case claiming his latest Paris concert hall design had been ‘sabotaged’, reports the Daily Telegraph.

image : artefactory

French architect Jean Nouvel loses legal battle on Thursday to force changes to £280m Philharmonie de Paris concert hall over claims it had been “martyred” after court says he failed to provide the right documents. He claimed had been “martyred” and “sabotaged”.

Nouvel boycotted the January opening of the Philharmonie de Paris, an ultra-modern building in the French capital’s eastern Parc de La Vilette, accusing project managers of cutting corners to save money during its completion.

“The architecture is martyred, the details sabotaged,” he wrote in a blistering editorial in Le Monde, “so taxpayers will have to pay, once again, to correct these aberrational decisions.” Changes were required on its parapets, foyers, facades, the promenade and acoustic elements within the 2,400-seat auditorium, he said.

14 Jan 2015

Philharmonie de Paris Boycott
The Paris Philharmonic Building Opening, Paris, France

French architect Jean Nouvel has issued a statement saying he will not attend the opening of his Philharmonie de Paris this evening, claiming it is “not finished” and defending his firm against allegations regarding cost overruns, reports Dezeen.

French president Francois Hollande will open the Philharmonie de Paris tonight, three years after it was originally due to complete: Paris Concert Hall Building

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