단 한마리의 호저, 17마리 사자와의 싸움에서 누가 이겼을까? Stinging their pride: Incredible video shows a plucky porcupine..VIDEO

Stinging their pride: Incredible video shows a plucky porcupine fighting off SEVENTEEN lions



'호저Porcupine' 우리말로 산미치광이라고 불리우며 가시가 있는 꼬리로 공격자를 쳐서

자신을 방어한다.


가시가 박힌 동물은 가시에 있는 균에 감염되거나 중요한 기관이 손상되어 죽을 수도

있다. 공격자의 턱에 박히면 입을 열 수가 없어서 굶주리게 된다.


남아프리카 개인 동물사육장에 잡혀온 '호저'는 굶주린 사자들앞에서 먹히기는 커넝

그의 가시를 뻗으며 맹렬히 저항했다.


호저의 가시는 사자 표범 하이에나 심지어 사람까지 죽일 수 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

결국은 사자들의 자존심에 먹칠을 하고 물러서고 말았다.

<Editor 황기철>


Prickly animal was caught in the open at private reserve in South Africa
But instead of giving in to the hungry lions he charged them with his spines
Porcupines are known to have killed lions, leopards, hyenas and humans


By Damien Gayle for MailOnline

A single plucky porcupine fought off the unwelcome attention of 17 lions after they surrounded him at night in the open savannah.


The prickly animal was caught in the open by the pride on the Londolozi Game Reserve in South Africa, which is a private reserve bordering the vast Kruger National Park.


But it was clear he was not prepared to become a light snack (with integral toothpicks) for the hungry lions and used his quills to fight them off. 

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Plucky: This crested porcupine fought off the attentions of 17 lions on a South African game reserve

Footage of the remarkable battle was uploaded to YouTube by workers at the Londolozi reserve last week and has already been viewed more than 100,000 times.

Keeper Lucien Beaumont described the sequence of events on the Londolozi reserve's blog. The Mhangeni pride had been resting all afternoon, he said, until night fell and it began to cool.

'The pride soon became active and started to move with the four male lions in tow. Suddenly we saw the group clump together and it looked like they were surrounding something of interest.'


When he caught up with the pride he found they had encircled a tiny porcupine and were beginning to prod and paw at it, to see how they could take a bite.


'All was not lost however and the porcupine began to shake its tail (known as a rattle) – the sound of the quills makes a distracting noise,' said Mr Beaumont.


'The porcupine began to run backwards into any lion that would come too close for comfort, a common defense mechanism for a threatened porcupine.'



Viral : Footage of the remarkable battle was uploaded to YouTube by workers at the Londolozi reserve last week and has already been viewed more than 100,000 times


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Fearsome: Crested porcupines like the one in the video are found across Africa and as far north as Italy. They weigh between 30lb and 60lb and their entire bodies are covered with bristles


Porcupines' quills are fused hairs coated with thick plates of keratin, and they are embedded in the skin musculature. They are released by contact with a predator who gets too close, causing pain and potentially leading to an infection.

Crested porcupines like the one in the video are found across Africa and as far north as Italy. They weigh between 30lb and 60lb and their entire bodies are covered with bristles.


They also have a mane of quills running along their heads, napes and backs that can be raised into a crest for protection.


If bothered by predators, a crested porcupine stamps its feet, shake its quills and charge rear end first to try to stab its enemy with its crest.


They are known to have killed lions, leopards, hyenas and even humans





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