경제문화 Economy, Culture/진기명기 Stunning scenes에 해당하는 글 406

  1. 아픈 이를 화살을 쏘아 뺄려는 아이 21st Century Dentistry: Boy Fires Crossbow to Get Rid of His Loose Tooth2018.04.26
  2. VIDEO: Glass Blowing A Dragon-Stem Goblet 유리 세공 장인2018.04.24
  3. VIDEO: Unique lock and key2018.04.13
  4. VIDEO: A calculated risk..어질어질2018.04.11
  5. 전율을 느끼는 하와이 마우나울루 돔 용암분수 VIDEO: Jaw-dropping photo reveals rare 65 FOOT dome-shaped lava fountain that formed during Hawaii's five-year Mauna Ulu volcanic eruption2018.04.10
  6. VIDEO: Don't fight her she has a black belt 인간 블랙벨트2018.04.08
  7. 일본의 정교한 폴리싱 기술 VIDEO: People in Japan Are Polishing Ordinary Aluminum Foil Balls Into Shiny Orbs2018.04.04
  8. VIDEO: There's always an asian better than you 신기 손가락2018.04.01
  9. One Road - Four Season 사계를 공유한 도로2018.03.31
  10. VIDEO: Playing with ballz 매직2018.03.29
  11. 외계인? VIDEO: Mummy of a 6-inch Atacama 'alien' with a cone-shaped head is HUMAN2018.03.25
  12. 미 뉴올리안즈에 나타난 드물고 불길한 두루마리 구름 VIDEO; Rare and ominous 'roll cloud' appears like an apocalyptic vision as it spreads across the New Orleans horizon2018.03.15
  13. Russian Freediver Swims Record 100 Meters Under Baikal’s Half-Meter-Thick Ice 러시아 다이버, 바이칼 호수 100m 까지 잠수 기록 세워2018.02.27
  14. VIDEO: Dollar Sword2018.02.27
  15. VIDEO: Now that's some fancy footwork2018.02.20
  16. VIDEO: Guitar case2018.02.11
  17. VIDEO: FASTEST WORKERS IN THE WORLD 11 세계에서 손이 제일 빠른 사람들2018.02.09
  18. VIDEO: I make Wooden Maps!2018.02.09
  19. 착시 현상이 건축 디자인에 사용된 사례 호주 '포트 1010빌딩' Port 1010 building designed by the café wall illusion2018.02.06
  20. VIDEO: Ching Chong 1002018.01.28