AI 자율항해선...4,800km 대서양 횡단 VIDEO:'AI 'Mayflower' will attempt to cross the Atlantic without any crew next month
'AI 'Mayflower' will attempt to cross the Atlantic without any crew next month, following the 3,000-mile journey the first ship took carrying 102 Pilgrims in 1620
Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) will depart from Plymouth, England April 19
MAS will take the same route as the original ship to Massachusetts back in 1620
It has no human captain or crew so will use AI and automation to cross the ocean
PUBLISHED: 10:57 GMT, 8 March 2021 | UPDATED: 12:50 GMT, 8 March 2021
인공지능(AI)을 탑재한 역사적인 5월 매이플라워의 자율항해가 다음 달 대서양 횡단 처녀항해를 앞두고 있다.
4월 19일, 메이플라워 자율선(MAS)이 영국 플리머스에서 출발하여 약 3,000 마일 2주 후에 매사추세츠 플리머스에 도착할 예정이다.
청교도라고 알려진 102명의 승객을 수송했던 이 원래 배는 1620년 가을에 목적지에 도착하는 데 10주가 걸렸다.
사람 승객이나 선원조차 태우지 않는 50피트 높이의 이 새로운 배는 대략 전작과 같은 항로를 택할 것이다.
그들이 1620년 9월 16일 영국 플리머스에서 출항했을 때, 청교도들은 종교적 박해를 피해 신대륙에 정착하기 위해 노력했다.
불과 400년 후, MAS는 AI와 태양에너지로 작동되는 해양에 관한 중요한 과학적 자료를 수집할 것이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor
An autonomous version of the historical Mayflower ship that's powered by artificial intelligence (AI) is set to make is maiden voyage across the Atlantic next month.
On April 19, Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) will depart from Plymouth, England and arrive at Plymouth, Massachusetts about 3,000 miles and two weeks later.
The original ship, which transported 102 passengers known as the Pilgrims, took 10 weeks to reach its destination in the autumn of 1620.
The new 50-foot ship, which won't carry any human passengers or even crew, will roughly take the same route as its predecessor.
When they set sail from Plymouth, England, on September 16, 1620, the Pilgrims were escaping religious persecution and sought to establish a settlement in the New World.
Just over 400 years later, the MAS will gather critical scientific data about the ocean', powered by AI and solar energy.
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MAS (pictured) relies on an onboard AI Captain which uses computer vision, automation software and Watson technology - IBM's most notable AI platform. The ship's operators tell the Mayflower where they want it to go and then it will figure out how to get there itself, considering the weather, ocean currents, collision regulations and other variables
MAS was first revealed in 2017 and was supposed to sail last September to mark the anniversary before plans were delayed due to coronavirus.
It's been made in partnership with University of Plymouth, autonomous craft specialists MSubs, tech firm IBM and public charity Promare which promotes marine research and exploration throughout the world.
'The single biggest challenge is the ocean itself,' said Brett Phaneuf, co-founder of ProMare.
'No ship has ever been built that can survive whatever the ocean could throw at it.'
With no human captain or onboard crew, MAS uses AI and automation to traverse the ocean in its quest for data and discovery.
Built in Poland to ProMare’s specifications, the 5-ton, 50-foot-long vessel incorporates many advanced marine architecture features, all designed to withstand the stresses of extended trips at sea.
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