카자흐스탄 알마티의 아이스 화산 VIDEO: Stunning 'ice volcano' that stands 45 feet tall forms in Kazakhstan..

Stunning 'ice volcano' that stands 45 feet tall forms in

Kazakhstan from underground springs that spout water which

freezes almost instantly upon meeting the freezing air

Kazakhstan's Almaty region is covered in a thick blanket of snow and ice, but the harsh weather has not stopped thousands of people from visiting the area's 'ice volcano'

An ice volcano has form in  Kazakhstan's Almaty region that stands 45 feet and spouts water

The structure formed over a spring that  still spouting water, but the water freezes once released

Water particles fly out of the top opening that looks like smoke that is seen from a lava filled volcano 


PUBLISHED: 17:16 GMT, 8 February 2021 | UPDATED: 17:35 GMT, 8 February 2021

   카자흐스탄의 알마티 지역은 두꺼운 눈과 얼음으로 뒤덮여 있지만, 혹독한 날씨가 이 지역의 '얼음 화산'을 방문하는 수천 명의 사람들을 막지 못하고 있다.

45피트(13.5m)에 서 있는 이 얼어붙은 구조물은 여전히 거의 즉시 얼어서 원뿔 모양 위에 쌓이는 물을 내뿜고 있는 지하 샘 위에 형성되었다.

지난해 이 지역에 더 작은 얼음 화산이 형성됐지만, 용암이 가득한 화산에서 뿜어져 나오는 연기처럼 보이는 물 입자를 계속 뿜어내는 것은 이번이 처음이라고 현지인들은 말한다.

또한 자연적인 아이스링크도 만들어졌지만, 여름 동안 이 지역은 먹이가 되는 녹색 초목들로 덮여 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents

Kazakhstan's Almaty region is covered in a thick blanket of snow and ice, but the harsh weather has not stopped thousands of people from visiting the area's 'ice volcano.'

Standing 45 feet, the frozen structure formed over an underground spring that is still spouting water that almost instantly freezes and builds upon the cone design.

A smaller ice volcano had formed in the area last year, but locals say the latest one is the first to continuously spray water particles from the top opening that looks like the smoke spewed from a lava-filled volcano.

The continuous water has also created a natural ice rink at its base, however, during the summer this area is covered in green vegetation that is feed by the spring. 

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Standing 45 feet, the frozen structure formed over an underground spring that is still spouting water that almost instantly freezes and builds upon the cone design

'In general, this is artesian water that gushes out of the ground. In summer everything blooms here with greenery,' a local shared online.

'And with the arrival of winter, on the eve of the New Year, it [the iceberg] increases to 14 meters and creates a beautiful location for great shots. It happened that my friends and I came to the 'iceberg' to celebrate the New Year.'

The formation sits between the villages of Kegan and Shrganak, which are located about four hours away from the Kazakh capital city of Nur-Sultan, formerly Astana, Tengri Travel reports.

In February 2020, similar structures were spotted by a meteorologist near Lake Michigan.

 A smaller ice volcano had formed in the area last year, but locals say the latest one is the first to continuously spray water particles from the top opening

Ernie Ostuno stumbled upon the cone-shaped mounds of ice on Sunday at Oval Beach in Saugatuck, Michigan.

Waves under the ice were pushing water up through the opening, causing what looks like an eruption.

'It was a great day to visit the beach and watch the waves interact with the ice,' The National Weather Service tweeted.

'Here's a couple 'ice volcanoes' erupting at Oval Beach on Sunday, February 16, 2020.'

Cort Spholten, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service of Grand Rapids, told USA Today: 'Ice volcanoes occur in locations in which waves hit accumulated ice on the shoreline with some force.'


Kazakhstan: Unusually shaped ice "volcano" grows as cold weather sets in


