경탄할 만한 브라질 리오의 예수상 3D 레이저 스캔 VIDEO: Stunning 3D laser scans show the internal structure of Brazil's famous Christ
Stunning 3D laser scans show the internal structure of Brazil's famous Christ the Redeemer statue for the first time
A team of specialists took more than 180 million points of data using the scanner
This allowed them to create an internal and external recreation of the statue
The work was carried out just before 90th birthday restorations began
Geospatial mapping specialist GeoSLAM produced the never-before-seen digital images of the inside of the famous statue ahead of its 90th birthday on October 12.
PUBLISHED: 09:52 GMT, 18 January 2021 | UPDATED: 10:29 GMT, 18 January 2021
경탄할 만한 브라질 리오의 예수상 3D 레이저 스캔
브라질 리우데자네이루의 예수상 내부 구조를 보여주는 영상이 3D 스캔 덕분에 처음으로 공개됐다.
지리공간 지도 전문가 GeoSlam은 10월 12일 90번째 생일을 앞두고 이 유명한 조각상 내부의 전에 볼 수 없었던 디지털 이미지를 제작했다.
리우데자네이루와 브라질 국가를 상징하는 이 콘크리트 피복상은 높이가 30m이고 폭이 27m나 된다
이 상징적인 동상의 디지털 재창조에는 드론 장착 레이저 스캐너에서 가져온 1억 8천만 포인트 이상의 데이터와 동일한 스캐너를 사용하여 동상 내부의 계단을 오르내리는 스텝이 포함되었다.
새로운 디지털 이미지들은 사람들로 하여금 사실상 이전에 불가능했던 방식으로, 그리고 안팎으로 세계적으로 유명한 이 기념비를 탐험할 수 있게 해줄 것이다.
2019년에는 관광객들이 200만 번 이상 방문했으며, 도시 해발 696m 위에 솟은 이 기념비를 세계 각지에서 온 사람들이 경탄하며 관람했다.
놀라운 이미지를 만들기 위해 GeoSLAM의 팀은 최신 SLAM(동시 현지화 및 매핑)과 무인 항공기 기술을 사용했다.
조사를 마치기 위해 동상이 있는 코르코바도 산의 정상은 45분간 일반인의 출입을 통제했으며, 가브리엘 드 바로스 프락세데스 등 전문가들은 현장 안팎을 모두 스캔할 수 있었다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor
edited by kcontents
Images showing the internal structure of the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, have been revealed for the first time thanks to a 3D scan.
Emblematic of the city of Rio de Janeiro and the nation of Brazil, the concrete clad statue stands 98 feet tall and spans a mammoth 92 feet wide.
The digital re-creation of the iconic statue involved more than 180 million points of data - taken from a drone-mounted laser scanner and someone walking up and down the staircases inside the statue using the same scanner.
Geospatial mapping specialist GeoSLAM produced the never-before-seen digital twin of the inside of the famous statue - ahead of its 90th birthday on October 12
The new digital images will allow people to virtually explore this world-famous monument in ways never before been possible - inside and out.
In 2019, the statue was visited over two million times, with people from all over the globe travelling to admire the monument, which soars 2,320 feet above the city.
To create the sensational images, the team from GeoSLAM used the latest SLAM (simultaneous localisation and mapping) and unmanned aircraft technology.
To complete the scan, the summit of Mount Corcovado, where the statue is located, was closed to the public for 45 minutes - allowing experts including Gabriel de Barros Praxedes, to scan the entire site inside and out.
Emblematic of the city of Rio de Janeiro and the nation of Brazil, the concrete clad statue stands 98 feet tall and spans a mammoth 92 feet wide
The narrow staircases and tight internal passages were revealed as part of the scan, which involved using a laser scanning tool called the ZEB Horizon.
This emits 300,000 laser points per second, scanning the statue gradually as de Barros Praxedes climbed the stairs inside the iconic creation
The same ZEB Horizon scanner was then mounted to a drone to allow the the team to capture the full, detailed exterior of the monument.
A series of 3D scans containing over 180million points was captured, producing a comprehensive digital model of the giant monument in all its glory inside and out.
The data was then processed through GeoSLAM Hub, software used to process the vast amount of information gathered by the scanner.
This allowed the team to see the results of the scan before they even left the site, including the network of internal staircases the team had climbed.
The digital re-creation of the iconic statue involved more than 180 million points of data - taken from a drone mounted laser scanner and someone walking up and down the staircases inside the statue using the same scanner
The new digital images will allow people to virtually explore this world famous monument in ways never before been possible - inside and out
The new digital images will allow people to virtually explore this world famous monument in ways never before been possible - inside and out
Video: Brazil: X-ray clip shows interior of Christ the Redeemer statue