사라진 미스터리 '은색 기둥'...이번엔 독일과 스페인에 나타나 VIDEO: The monolith invasion continues: Silver columns appear in Germany and Spain following other sightings in America, Colombia and Britain

The monolith invasion continues: Silver columns appear in Germany and Spain following other sightings in America, Colombia and Britain

SPAIN: A silver monolith by the ruins of an old church in Ayllon, on a hillside which local authorities say is too dangerous for people to go and visit the item  

One of the silver columns appeared at the weekend in German town of Sulzbach

Another was spotted by the ruins of an old church on a hillside in Ayllon, Spain  

Others have appeared in the US, Romania, the Netherlands and the Isle of Wight  


PUBLISHED: 09:44 GMT, 8 December 2020 | UPDATED: 09:55 GMT, 8 December 2020


사라진 미스터리 '은색 기둥'...이번엔 독일과 스페인에 나타나

6개국으로 퍼진 수수께끼 '은색 기둥' 도대체 무엇인가

지난 달 유타에 처음 나타나

출현 직후 사라져

     한 쇼핑센터 인근 들판이 내려다보이는 독일 술즈바흐에서 지난 주말 황량한 은색 기둥 하나가 모습을 드러냈다.

다른 하나는 스페인 아일론의 한 오래된 교회 폐허 옆에 나타나 지역 당국이 사람들에게 위험한 비탈길을 피하라고 경고했다.

지난 달 유타 사막에 처음으로 단일석상이 등장하여 스탠리 큐브릭 영화 2001: A Space Odyssey와 비교한 후, 콜롬비아, 루마니아, 홀랜드, 와이트 섬 등 미국의 다른 곳에서도 유사한 구조물들이 등장했다.

이 물건들은 외계인에 대한 엉뚱한 추측을 불러일으켰고, 그들 중 일부는 그들의 출현 직후에 사라져 궁긍증을 더하고 있다.

Holger Klink는 지역 방송사 HR에 '이것은 우주에서 온 것이 아니다'라고 말했다.

그러나 그는 인정했다: '우리는 여전히 미스터리의 진상을 규명해야 한다. 소문이 페이스북에 퍼지고 있다. 아주 흥미로운 이론들이 몇 가지 있다.

스페인에서, Ayllon 마을은 그것이 어떻게 그곳에 왔는지 더 이상 알 수 없지만, 시장 Maria Jesus Sanz는 그것이 '조크'의 의미라고 의심한다.

시장은 세 장의 금속판으로 만든 물건이라며 그 물건의 장인정신에 감동하지 않았다.

그러나 현지 당국은 '해롭고 위험할 수 있다'는 산비탈을 피하라고 경고했다고 유로파프레스(Europa Press)는 전했다.

그들은 또한 코로나 바이러스에 비추어 '개인적인 책임감'을 요구했는데, 다른 일부 기둥들이 소수의 방문객들을 끌어모은 후였다. 

이 새로운 발견은 콜롬비아 시골에서 금 기둥이 발견됨으로써 '그들 모두를 지배하는 할 수 있다는 주장이 제기된 후,  독일과 스페인이 명백한 열풍을 일으킨 5번째와 6번째 나라가 되었다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

A small German town and a forbidding Spanish hillside have become the latest places to discover a mysterious silver monolith in their midst, in a puzzling trend which has now spread to six countries

GERMANY: The town of Sulzbach became the latest place to discover a monolith at the weekend, finding this silver column overlooking a field near a shopping centre 

One of the bleak silver columns showed up over the weekend in Sulzbach, Germany, overlooking a field near a shopping centre. 

The other has appeared by the ruins of an old church in Ayllon, Spain, where local authorities have warned people to steer clear of the dangerous slopes.  

After a monolith first appeared in the Utah desert last month, sparking comparisons to the Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey, similar structures have popped up in Colombia, Romania, Holland, the Isle of Wight and elsewhere in the US. 

COLOMBIA: This gold monolith appeared in rural Colombia prompting residents to ask if it is the 'monolith that controls them all' after silver towers were found elsewhere

The objects have sparked wild speculation about aliens and some of them have vanished soon after their appearance, adding to the intrigue.  

The German town, at least, is sure that its monolith has an earthly origin - but while an art collective has claimed responsibility for the original Utah stunt, it is unclear who is behind either of the new columns.   

Holger Klink, speaking for the town of Sulzbach, told local broadcaster HR: 'It's not from outer space. The wooden structure on the inside is very earthly.' 

But he admitted: 'We still have to get to the bottom of the mystery. Rumours are spreading on Facebook. There's some very interesting theories.' 

NETHERLANDS: A monolith appeared in the Kiekenberg nature reserve near Oudehorne. It was first spotted by walkers on Sunday morning

In Spain, the town of Ayllon is no closer to knowing how its monolith got there, but mayor Maria Jesus Sanz suspects it is meant as a 'joke'. 

The mayor was unimpressed with the craftsmanship of the item, saying it was made of three metal sheets which had already collapsed several times. 

However, local authorities warned people to avoid the hillside which 'can be harmful and dangerous', according to Europa Press.  

They also called for 'individual responsibility' in light of coronavirus, after some of the other monoliths attracted small crowds of visitors.   

The new discoveries make Germany and Spain the fifth and sixth countries involved in the apparent craze, after the sighting of a gold monolith in rural Colombia sparked knowing claims that it could be the 'monolith that controls them all'.   

The other monoliths were silver in colour, but the one in Cundinamarca was golden - leaving locals wondering if it could be the 'master monolith'. 


ISLE OF WIGHT: People posed for pictures on the island off the south coast of England after the monolith appeared at a beach over the weekend 

CALIFORNIA: A moveable monolith also popped up at Pine Mountain in Atascadero, California, on Wednesday, but was gone by Thursday 

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Mysterious Monolith Appears On Romanian Hillside 


