중국 공안에 총격 받은 북한 탈북자, 코로나 감염자 확인 North Korean defector who was shot and wounded while trying to flee across the border to China 'has tested positive for coronavirus'

North Korean defector who was shot and wounded while trying to flee across the border to China 'has tested positive for coronavirus' - despite Pyongyang denying having any cases

The man was taken to hospital after being shot by a Chinese border guard while attempting to cross the Tumen River (file image), which separates the two countries

Man attempted to cross Tumen River from North Korea into China on April 20 

He was shot by a border guard and then taken to hospital to be treated 

Doctors tested him for coronavirus, and the test has come back positive 

Case provides strongest evidence yet that North Korea does have virus cases 

Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19


PUBLISHED: 10:12 BST, 23 April 2020 | UPDATED: 10:12 BST, 23 April 2020


중국 공안에 총격 받은 북한 탈북자, 코로나 감염 확인

코로나 감염자 존재 확인 증거

   이번 주 국경을 넘으려다 중국 공안에 의해 총격을 받은 탈북자가 코로나바이러스에 감염됐다고 소식통이 전했다.

이 남성은 지난달 20일 북한과 중국을 가르는 두만강을 건너려다 총에 맞아 병원으로 옮겨졌다.

병원에 도착했을 때 그는 바이러스 검사를 받았고 양성반응을 보였으며 현재 검역중이라고 중국 소식통은 데일리 NK에 말했다.

그의 사건은 북한이 어떠한 사례도 없다고 부인함에도 불구하고 북한이 코로나바이러스 발병을 겪고 있다는 가장 강력한 증거를 제공한다.

북한 내에 정보원 네트워크를 갖고 있는 데일리NK는 앞서 북한 내에서 여러 건의 감염 의심 사례가 보고된 바 있다.

이 사이트는 지난 달 올해 1~2월 180명의 군인이 '코로나바이러스 같은 증상'으로 사망했다고 보도했다.

또 23명이 감염으로 사망했을 수도 있지만 북한 내 국가 의료 시스템이 거의 또는 전혀 없는 상황에서 검사를 통한 환자 확인은 사실상 불가능하다고 보고했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

A North Korean defector who was shot by Chinese guards while trying to cross the border this week is infected with coronavirus, a source has said.

The man was taken to hospital after being shot while trying to cross the Tumen River that separates North Korea from China on April 20. 

A North Korean defector who crossed into China this week has tested positive for coronavirus, in the clearest evidence yet that the country is suffering an outbreak (file)

When he arrived at hospital he was tested for the virus and found to be positive, and is now under quarantine, a Chinese source told Daily NK.

His case provides the strongest evidence to date that North Korea is suffering from a coronavirus outbreak, despite Pyongyang denying having any cases.

Daily NK, which has a network of informants within North Korea, has previously reported on several suspected outbreaks within the country.

The site reported last month that 180 soldiers had died from 'coronavirus-like symptoms' between January and February this year.

It also reported that another 23 people may have also died of the infection - but with little or no state healthcare system within North Korea, confirming cases via testing has been virtually impossible.

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