오랜 운전 건강을 고려한 미래의 자동차 좌석 VIDEO: Jaguar Land Rover unveils shape-shifting 'seat of the future'

Jaguar Land Rover unveils shape-shifting 'seat of the future' that tackles the health risks of sitting down for too long by making your brain think that you are walking

UK drivers are estimated to cover an average of 146 miles (235 km) every week 

Spending long journeys sitting down can lead to muscle shortening and pain

Jaguar Land Rover claim their micro-adjusting seat can help ease these effects

Tiny actuators within the seat foam stimulate each leg one after the other


PUBLISHED: 16:15 GMT, 16 January 2020 | UPDATED: 16:55 GMT, 16 January 2020


오랜 운전 건강을 고려한 미래의 자동차 좌석

   재규어 랜드로버는 운전할 때 걷는다고 뇌를 속이는 모양을 만드는 '미래의 좌석' 디자인을 공개했다.

영국 자동차 제조업체의 이른바 '변형 가능한' 좌석 개념은 너무 오랫동안 앉아 있는 것의 건강 위험을 다루기 위한 것이다.

교통부에 따르면, 영국 운전자들은 매주 자동차에서 약 146마일(235km)을 주행할 것으로 추산된다.

좌석의 내부 폼 안에 있는 작은 액츄에이터는 '골반 진동'으로 알려진 보행 리듬을 시뮬레이션하기 위해 한 쪽 다리를 차례로 자극한다.

세계보건기구에 따르면, 현재 전세계 약 14억 명의 사람들이 앉아서 생활하는 생활양식을 증가시키고 있다.

이러한 비활성 상태는 다리, 활강, 엉덩이의 근육을 수축시킬 수 있으며, 궁극적으로 요통과 낙상이나 변종으로 인한 부상 위험을 증가시킬 수 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

via youtube

edited by kcontents

Jaguar Land Rover had unveiled a design for a shape-shafting 'seat of the future' that tricks your brain into thinking that you are walking as you drive.

The UK car manufacturer's so-called 'morphable' seat concept is intended to tackle the health risks of sitting down for too long.

According to the Department for Transport, UK drivers are estimated to cover around 146 miles (235 kilometres) in their vehicles each week.

Tiny actuators within the seat's internal foam stimulate one leg after the other in order to simulate the rhythm of walking — which is known as 'pelvic oscillation'.

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Jaguar Land Rover had unveiled a design for a shape-shafting 'seat of the future' that tricks your brain into thinking that you are walking as you drive

According to the World Health Organisation, some 1.4 billion people worldwide are now living increasing sedentary lifestyles.

Such inactivity can lead to the shortening of muscles in the legs, gluteals and hips — and ultimately lead to back pain and an increased risk of injury from falls or strains. 

However, continuous micro-adjustments in the shape-shifting seat that simulate pelvic oscillation could help ease some of the effects of spending long journeys sat down, Jaguar Land Rover's Body Interiors Research division claim.

The motion had no impact on comfort, they added — and the movements of  advance seats could be tailored to best fit each individual driver and passenger.

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