캔과 병을 머리에 꽂고 다닐 수 있는 피부 보유자...기네스 기록도 VIDEO:Man dubbed a 'real-life X-Men' character sticks bottles and cans to his HEAD
Man dubbed a 'real-life X-Men' character sticks bottles and cans to his HEAD: Mysterious skin disease makes a man's pores act like suction cups
Jamie Keeton, a.k.a. Can Head, has a skin disease that has yet to be named
His body temperature is higher than most and turns his pores into suction cups
Suction capability of his skin lets him stick cans and bottles to his head
Keeton's wounds heal faster, he gets sick less and ages slower than most
캔과 병을 머리에 꽂고 다닐 수 있는 피부 보유자...기네스 기록도 제이미 케톤 실제 '엑스맨'으로 불렸지만 자신의 피부에 물체를 붙일 수 있는 능력을 갖게 된 것은 슈퍼 파워가 아니다. 그것은 신비롭고 희귀한 피부 조건 때문이다. '캔 헤드'로도 알려진 케톤은 머리에 캔과 병을 꽂을 수 있는 뛰어난 피부 능력을 가지고 있다. 전문가들은 그의 피부 모공이 흡착판처럼 작용하게 하는 화씨 100도보다 높은 체온에서 이 재능이 나온다고 말했다. 최근 시카고에서 가진 인터뷰에서 케톤은 머리에 흡착된 병에서 유리잔에 물을 부었다. 그리고, 그 묘기는 기네스 세계 기록까지 안겨주었다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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PUBLISHED: 20:48 BST, 28 March 2017 | UPDATED: 23:38 BST, 28 March 2017
He's been called a 'real-life X-Men', but it isn't super powers that gives Jamie Keeton the ability to stick objects to his skin - it is a mysterious and rare skin condition.
Keeton, also known as 'Can Head', has an extraordinary capability of his skin that allows him to stick cans and bottles to his head.
Specialists have suggested that the talent stems from his higher than average body temperature, 100 degrees Fahrenheit, which causes his skin pores to act like suction cups.
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During a recent interview in Chicago, Keeton poured water into a glass from a bottle suctioned to his head.
And, the skill has even earned him a Guinness World Record.
'My doctor explained to me that my skin pores act like suction cups, so things stick to me,' Keeton, who is 47 years old, told Daily Mail Online in a previous interview.
'My body heat is also hotter than normal, which makes the suction stronger,' Keeton said.
Doctors are baffled by the rare disease and have concluded that he is the only person in the US to have the suction capability.
James Keeton has an extraordinary capability of his skin that allows him to stick cans and bottles to his head. HE was recently in Chicago during an interview while he poured water into a glass from a bottle suctioned to his hea
And similar to how a superhero's power develops with age - so did Keeton's ability.
He first realized there was something different about him at the age of seven when his toys began sticking to his skin.
'My parents thought it was just pine sap from climbing trees,' explained Keeton.
'When I was younger I didn't promote it a lot'.
'I was scared people would call me a freak.'
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