신기!...접착제 없이 테니스공으로 9층짜리 탑 쌓은 물리학자 VIDEO: Physicist creates sculptures out of tennis balls using nothing but FRICTION to keep them together
Physicist creates sculptures out of tennis balls using nothing but FRICTION to keep them together
Professor Andria Rogava, 54, is a keen tennis player and an astrophysicist
The towers are held together because their own weight creates balancing forces
Each of the fuzzy balls generates just enough friction to maintain an equilibrium
Starting with relatively simple pyramids, he moved to more complex structures
The physicist has even created a nine-story tower made up of 25 tennis balls
신기!...접착제 없이 테니스공으로 9층짜리 탑 쌓은 물리학자 안드리아 로가바 교수(54) 중력에 저항하는 모양으로 만들어진 쌓여진 테니스 공의 탑은 테이프, 접착제 또는 다른 접착제를 사용하지 않은 물리학자들에 의해 만들어졌다. 조지아 주 트빌리시의 안드리아 로가바 교수는 자신의 사무실에 타워를 건설했는데, 마찰력과 균형유지력만으로도 이 기괴한 구조물을 똑바로 세울 수 있다는 것을 발견했다. 그는 심지어 25개의 공으로 이루어진 얇고 9층짜리 탑을 만드는 데 성공했으며, 더 높이 올라갈 수도 있다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
PUBLISHED: 17:47 BST, 24 May 2019 | UPDATED: 18:33 BST, 24 May 2019
Towers of stacked tennis balls built in gravity-defying shapes have been created by a physicist without the use of tape, glue or any other adhesive - just friction.
Professor Andria Rogava of Tbilisi, Georgia, built the towers in his office, finding that friction and balancing forces alone can keep the bizarre structures upright.
He has even succeeded in creating a thin, nine-story tower made up of just 25 balls — and could go higher still.
Towers of stacked tennis balls in shapes that look like they are defying gravity — although require no glue to stay upright — have been built by a physicist. He has even succeeded in creating a thin, nine-story tower made up of just 25 balls — and could go higher still
Professor Rogava described himself as a 'keen tennis player' and told Physics World: 'In my office, I have about 20 used tennis balls and so decided to try building some tennis-ball "pyramids".'
Initially, he created a four-level pyramid with a triangular-shaped base, with ten balls in the bottom layer, six in the next, then three and finally one ball at the apex.
'When I carefully removed the three corner balls from the bottom layer plus the upper-most ball, I ended up a with a beautiful, symmetric structure of 16 balls with three hexagonal and three triangular sides,' Professor Rogava explained.
Despite appearing precarious, the over-hanging balls in the second-to-bottom layer remain in equilibrium.