TV영화 건설분야 출연 전문 유명 캐릭터 및 배우 5인 VIDEO: The Top 5 Fictional Construction Workers from TV or Movies

The Top 5 Fictional Construction Workers from TV or Movies

May 23, 2019 Shane Hedmond

If you’re like me, you get excited when a character on TV show or movie works in the construction industry.  With all of the characters that I’ve met in the industry over the years, you’d think there would be more of them blessing the screen.  Nevertheless, I’ve compiled my list of favorite construction workers from TV or movies.


1. Tim “the Tool Man” Taylor (Home Improvement)  2. Ron Swanson (Parks & Recreation) 3. Viktor Navorski (The Terminal) 4. Dan Connor (Roseanne) 5. Lawrence (Office Space


TV영화 건설분야 출연 전문 유명 캐릭터 및 배우 5인 

  TV나 영화 속 인물이 건설업에 출연할 때마다 매우 흥미를 불러 일으킨다. 

몇 년 동안 산업계에서 만난 모든 캐릭터들과 더불어 여러분들은 스크린을 축복하는 캐릭터들이 더 많을 거라고 생각했을 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 나는 TV나 영화에서 가장 좋아하는 건설작업자들로 분한 배우의 이름을 작성해봤다.

우리가 5대 만화 건설작업자들의 모임에서 논의했듯이, 특정 직업에서 TV에서 등장인물을 보는 것이 젊은이들에게 특정 분야에서 일하는 데 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것은 의심의 여지가 없다. 미래의 노동자들은 건설 산업에서 좋은 긍정적인 역할 모델을 보는 것이 중요하다.

아래는 이슈가 될만한 캐릭터를 골라봤다.

팀 테일러 - 더 툴맨의 팀 앨런 분

론 스완슨 - 팍스 앤 레크리에이션의 닉  오퍼맨 분

빅터 나보스키 - 터미널 톰 행크스 분

댄 코너 - 로잔느 아줌마의 존 굿맨 분(한국팬들에게 낯 익다)

로렌스 - 오피스 스페이스의 피터 기본스

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As we discussed in our countdown of the top 5 cartoon construction workers, as well, there’s no doubt that seeing characters on TV in certain professions can influence young people into working in a specific field.  It’s important for the workforce of the future to see good, positive role models in the construction industry.

To kick off the countdown, I chose what could be a controversial character:

Tim “the Tool Man” Taylor 

While he may not technically be a “construction worker,” he’s so ingrained in pop culture as a blue collar influence that he might as well be.  It’s hard to think of using power tools without thinking of the character, it’s also hard not to do Taylor’s signature grunt. 

Ron Swanson

While he started out as as a libertarian government official, Swanson ended his time on the show Parks & Recreation as the owner of “Very Good Building & Development Company.” The character, as well as the actor who plays him (Nick Offerman), are both extremely talented woodworkers.

Viktor Navorski

Viktor Navorski didn’t start out as a construction worker, either, he kind of fell into the role when he was stuck at the airport due to international politics.  He lands at #3 because, hey, it’s Tom Hanks.

Dan Connor

Dan Connor, the hardworking patriarch of Roseanne’s family, held several jobs throughout the series, including being a contractor for part of it.  The actor, John Goodman, also played the live action version of Fred Flintstone, also a construction worker, although prehistoric. One of Connor’s unique abilities that many other contractors don’t have is the ability to be risen from the dead, as his character was killed off and then brought back later.


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Lawrence is that chill neighbor that can hear everything you do through the thin, uninsulated drywall of your apartment complex.  He’s also a contractor and gets the main character in Office Space, Peter, interested in construction work by the end of the movie.

Honorable Mentions

While they didn’t make the cut of the top 5, it’s important to mention several other characters that have appeared in movies and TV in a construction role.

Chuckie - Good Will Hunting - played by Ben Affleck

Noah - The Notebook - played by Ryan Gosling (not technically a construction worker, but he does completely rebuild a house, sooooo?)

Earl Sinclair - The Dinosaurs - played by Stuart Pankin - talking dinosaur, but also a contractor

Michael Dawson - Lost - played by Harold Perrineau

Tell me who your favorite is or if I missed anyone in the comments!



