전통 악기로 메탈 연주하는 인기 몽골밴드 '후(HU)' VIDEO: Mongolian Musicians Play Heavy Metal Using Traditional Tribal Instruments
Mongolian Musicians Play Heavy Metal Using Traditional Tribal Instruments
By Emma Taggart on January 11, 2019
As one of the least densely populated countries in the world, Mongolia is known for its vast, open landscapes and breathtaking scenery. Among the relatively few people that live there is folk metal band, The HU—a group of musicians who are merging traditional Mongolian music with western heavy metal sounds. Despite their secluded lifestyle, The HU have managed to gain fans from all over the world, thanks to the Internet.
Mongolian Heavy Metal HU Band
전통 악기로 메탈 연주하는 인기 몽골밴드 '후(HU)' 세계에서 가장 인구 밀도가 낮은 나라 중 하나인 몽골은 광활하고 탁 트인 풍경과 숨막히는 경치로 유명하다. 그곳에 살고 있는 비교적 적은 사람들 중에는 전통 메탈 밴드인 후(HU)가 있다. 후(HU)는 몽골 전통 음악을 서양의 헤비메탈 음악과 결합시키고 있다. 그들의 고립된 생활 방식에도 불구하고, 후(HU)는 인터넷 덕분에 전 세계로부터 많은 팬들을 확보했다. 7년 동안 그들만의 독특한 소리를 만들어 낸 후, 올 봄에 첫 번째 앨범을 발표할 계획이다. 후(HU)는 최근 유브 유와 울프 토템이라는 두 개의 동영상을 유튜브에 올렸다. 불과 3개월 만에 이 두 비디오는 거의 9백만 명의 조회수를 기록했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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After 7 years of crafting their unique sound, the band plans to release its first album this spring—and if their first two singles are any indication, it’s going to be epic. The Hu recently uploaded two videos on YouTube of their tracks, Yuve Yuve Yu and Wolf Totem. In just over 3 months, the two videos have accumulated almost 9 million views.
The videos introduce the world to their own unique genre that they call “Hunnu Rock”—a mix of heavy-metal-style pounding bass with traditional Mongolian folk instruments. The band can be seen (and heard) playing the morin khuur—a two-stringed horsehead fiddle played with a bow—and a tovshuur—another two-stringed instrument, but played with the fingers. They also blast out their lyrics in the style of traditional Mongolian throat singers, a technique that involves producing multiple guttural pitches simultaneously.
Music plays a huge part in Mongolian culture, where various ethnic groups and tribes take great pride in their sound. The HU member Dashka reveals, “We wanted to come up with our own thing that we can offer to this big music family. Make something new.” The band never expected to gain such quick Internet fame though. Guitarist Temka explains their motivation, “We try to spiritually express this beautiful thing about Mongolian music. We think we will talk to everyone’s soul through our music. But we didn’t expect this.”
Mongolian heavy metal band The HU have recently gained Internet fame for their epic, unique sound.
Mongolian Heavy Metal HU Band
They combine western heavy-metal style pounding bass with traditional Mongolian folk instruments and throat singing.
Mongolian Heavy Metal HU Band
Listen to their first two tracks below
The HU: Facebook | YouTube
h/t: [Open Culture]