차 속으로 들어온 스마트폰 VIDEO: Connected Car News Tips: Hella, Faurencia, Volvo, Ericsson, Luminar, GM, Velodyne & Volkswagen

Connected Car News Tips: Hella, Faurencia, Volvo, Ericsson, Luminar, GM, Velodyne & Volkswagen

Posted on December 2, 2018 by Lynn Walford

Connected car news this week is short due to extensive coverage of the Los Angeles Auto Show for cousin publication Auto Futures. In connected car news this week were Hella, Faurencia, Volvo, Ericsson, Luminar, GM, Velodyne and Volkswagen.


차 속으로 들어온 스마트폰

애플·구글 카 커넥티비티 전쟁

   한국GM은 지난달 26일 중형세단 '말리부'의 부분변경(페이스리프트) 모델을 선보였다. 파워트레인(구동계)과 디자인 등 많은 변화가 있었지만 가장 큰 변화는 인포테인먼트 시스템이었다. 8인치 고해상도 모니터와 함께 애플과 구글의 ‘카 커넥티비티(Car Connectivity)' 서비스인 ‘애플 카플레이’와 ‘구글 안드로이드 오토’를 지원했다.  

국내 완성차 업체들은 이렇게 새로 나오는 차에 카 커넥티비티 서비스를 적용한다. 스마트폰 사용자들에게 익숙한 애플리케이션을 자동차 안에서도 사용할 수 있어서다. 카 커넥티비티란 스마트폰과 자동차를 연결해주는 서비스다. 스마트폰의 양대 운영체제(OS)를 제공하는 구글과 애플은 2014년 나란히 자동차용 스마트폰 서비스인 ‘안드로이드 오토’와 ‘애플 카플레이’를 선보였다. 전화·문자메시지는 물론 음악 스트리밍 서비스나 내비게이션 등 스마트폰의 다양한 애플리케이션을 자동차의 디스플레이 화면에 구현할 수 있다.  

구글의 카 커넥티비티 서비스 '안드로이드 오토'의 시연모습. 스마트폰의 기능을 자동차 안에서 구현할 수 있어 편리하다. [사진 구글코리아]


주요 글로벌 완성차 업체와 현대·기아차도 이미 미국시장에서는 이들 서비스를 제공해 왔다. 국내에선 한글화 및 애플리케이션 협업 등의 문제로 서비스를 미뤄오다 올해(구글 7월, 애플 9월) 서비스가 시작됐다. 현대·기아차와 한국GM·쌍용차·르노삼성 등 4개 완성차 업체와 메르세데스-벤츠·BMW·볼보 등 주요 수입차 업체들이 이들 서비스를 선보이고 있다. 특히 현대차그룹은 고급차 브랜드인 제네시스와 현대·기아차 대부분의 신차(2015년 이후 출시 차량)에서 사용할 수 있어 선택의 폭이 넓다. 

아직 서비스 초기지만 스마트폰 보급률 세계 1위(94%)인 한국 시장에 대한 두 회사의 관심은 높다. 사용자들 사이에서도 호평이 많아 향후 시장 확대 가능성도 높다. 완성차 자체의 내비게이션 시스템이나 인공지능(AI) 음성인식 비서 기능, 미디어 재생 기능이 있지만 카 커넥티비티 서비스가 관심을 모으는 건, 쉬운 사용자 경험(User Experience) 때문이다. 스마트폰에 익숙한 운전자들이 손쉽게 전화를 걸고 받고, 문자메시지를 보내거나 내비게이션, 음악 스트리밍 등 애플리케이션을 이용할 수 있다는 점이 경쟁력이다. 

애플의 카 커넥티비티 서비스 '애플 카플레이'의 시연 모습. 아이폰이나 아이패드와 비슷한 화면을 구현하고, 스마트폰

에서 쓰는 앱들을 사용할 수 있다. [애플 홈페이지 캡처]

사용방법은 간단하다. 자동차에 달린 USB 포트에 충전·데이터전송 케이블을 연결하기만 하면 된다. 애플 카플레이의 경우 연결만으로 작동하고, 자동차 디스플레이에 아이폰과 거의 같은 화면을 띄워준다. 자동차에 달린 음성인식 버튼으로 애플의 AI 비서인 ‘시리’에게 질문할 수 있고, 전화를 걸거나 받은 문자메시지를 읽어달라고 할 수도 있다. 터치 기능이 있는 디스플레이라면 직접 아이콘을 눌러 작동할 수도 있다. 국내 스마트폰 앱으로는 카카오내비와 티맵 등 내비게이션과 애플뮤직·멜론 같은 음악 스트리밍 서비스, 애플 지도 앱 등을 사용할 수 있다. 


구글 안드로이드 오토 역시 필요한 애플리케이션만 설치하면 연결만으로 손쉽게 사용할 수 있다. 연결 과정이 애플 카플레이보다 약간 복잡하고 카카오내비만 지원하긴 하지만 국내 스마트폰 사용자 대다수가 안드로이드 유저란 점에서 접근성은 더 높은 편이다. 벅스뮤직 등 음악 스트리밍 서비스를 지원하고 구글의 AI 비서인 ‘구글 어시스턴트’를 사용할 수 있다. 해외에선 구글 지도를 통해 내비게이션 기능까지 구현하지만 우리나라는 지도 반출 문제 등 규제가 많아 카카오내비로 대신한다. 


구글과 애플은 한국 시장에서 카 커넥티비티 서비스를 계속 확대할 예정이다. 적극적인 스마트폰 사용자가 많은 만큼 이 사용자 경험을 자동차로 확대하기 수월하다는 판단이다. 구글코리아 관계자는 “국내 완성차 업체들과 긴밀한 협의를 통해 한국 사용자들이 원하는 다양한 애플리케이션을 개발하고 공급할 예정”이라고 말했다. 애플코리아 측도 “아이폰 사용자들이 안전하게 운전하면서 익숙한 애플리케이션을 사용하도록 하는 것이 목표”라고 했다. 

현대차그룹은 카카오와 협업해 인공지능 플랫폼인 '카카오i'를 인포테인먼트 시스템에 채용할 예정이다. 최근 출시된 대형세단 G90에도 카카오i의 음성인식 기능이 담겼다. [사진 제네시스]

국내 대표 완성차 업체인 현대·기아차도 사용자들의 편의를 높이기 위해 애플·구글의 카 커넥티비티 서비스를 적극적으로 확대할 방침이다. 현대차그룹 관계자는 “이미 자동차는 스마트폰처럼 다양한 서비스를 구현하는 하나의 플랫폼이 됐다”며 “스마트폰을 사용하는 운전자들이 자동차에서도 스마트폰의 다양한 기능을 사용할 수 있도록 하는 한편, 자체 커넥티드카 기능 개발도 지속할 것”이라고 말했다. 현대차그룹은 카카오의 AI플랫폼인 ‘카카오I’를 현대·기아차의 인포테인먼트 시스템에 적용키로 하고 공동 개발 중이다. 

이동현 기자 offramp@joongang.co.kr  중앙일보

edied by kcontents

Hella and Faurencia

The lighting and electronics specialist HELLA and Faurecia, one of the world’s leading automotive technology companies, will cooperate in a strategic partnership for the development of innovative interior lighting solutions.

Within this cooperation, both companies will jointly develop lighting with high-technology content in the domain of surface-lighting and dynamic-lighting for a more personalized cockpit environment. Faurecia contributes its expertise as a complete system integrator for vehicle interiors and HELLA supplies innovative products in the field of interior lighting.

Volvo Selects Ericsson

Ericsson has been selected by Volvo Car Group (Volvo Cars) to provide the industrialized Ericsson Connected Vehicle Cloud (CVC) platform to further enable its digital vehicle services in more than 120 markets worldwide for the next five years.

Volvo Cars, like other major players in the automotive industry, is increasing focus on securing high-quality connected-vehicle services as digitalization increases the importance of software services. The services will also benefit from the increased speed, low-latency and capacity for mission critical applications, such as autonomous driving, that commercial 5G networks will enable.

The deal – which will enable Volvo Cars to provide car owners and drivers with its latest developments in connected car digital services such as automation, fleet management, telematics, navigation, and infotainment – is the largest to date for Ericsson Connected Vehicle Cloud.

Volvo & Luminar Partnership

Volvo Cars and Luminar, a leading start-up in the development of core sensing technology for autonomous vehicles, are demonstrating the most advanced LiDAR sensor and perception capabilities to date at this year’s Automobility LA trade show in Los Angeles.

The ongoing development of LiDAR technology, which uses pulsed laser signals to detect objects, is a crucial element in creating safe autonomous cars. It allows autonomous cars to navigate safely in complex traffic environments and at higher speeds by providing these cars with reliable long-range perception capabilities.

Technology such as LiDAR can help Volvo Cars to make its vision for autonomous travel, as showcased in the Volvo 360c concept earlier this year, a reality. The development of advanced LiDAR technology and perception capabilities is one of many ways in which Volvo Cars and its partners work towards a safe introduction of fully autonomous cars.

The new perception capabilities being developed by Luminar in partnership with Volvo Cars make it possible for the system to detect human poses including individual limbs such as arms and legs, a level of detail not previously possible with this type of sensor. The new technology is also able to detect objects at a range of up to 250 meters, a much further range than any LiDAR technology currently available

GM Steps Closer to Commercial Autonomy

General Motors (NYSE: GM) and Cruise are taking the next step toward commercializing autonomous vehicle technology with the appointment of Dan Ammann as CEO of Cruise. Kyle Vogt, Cruise co-founder, will partner with Ammann to set strategic direction for the company and will lead technology development as Cruise president and chief technology officer. The appointments are effective Jan. 1, 2019.

Under Vogt’s leadership, Cruise has emerged as an industry leader in autonomous vehicle technology, growing from 40 employees to more than 1,000 at its San Francisco headquarters and recently announced an additional expansion of 100-200 employees in Seattle. With recent investments by SoftBank and Honda, Cruise’s valuation has rapidly grown to $14.6 billion.

           The logo for General Motors decorates the entrance at the site of a GM information technology center in 

           Roswell, Ga., Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013. (AP / David Goldman)

           edited by kcontents

Velodyne for ThorDrive

Utilizing Velodyne Lidar sensors, ThorDrive, a leading autonomous vehicle (AV) startup, is introducing commercial vehicle services in the first of many pilots.

Continental and Turo announced a collaboration to bring instant mobility to users through the exciting new application, Turo Go. The growing community of Turo members will now be able to book and unlock cars at the touch of a button through the smartphone application. This feature will provide a seamless car booking experience to Turo users that don’t always have the time to deliver keys in person. Turo Go will be launched during the LA Auto Show and expand to new markets in the coming months.

VW Invests in diconium and Cloud

The Volkswagen Group is investing in the German digital specialist diconium and acquiring 49 percent of the shares in the com-pany. With this participation, the Volkswagen Group will be securing further know-how and strengthening its digital business capabilities. Together, the two companies will continue the development of Volkswagen’s business models and digital added-value services.

diconium will therefore become a key technology partner for the development of new digital services available via the Volkswagen Automotive Cloud. The completion of the participation transaction is still subject to approval by the anti-trust authorities.


diconium (formerly dmc), with headquarters in Stuttgart, was established in 1995 and is a leading specialist in the holistic development of digital business models. Its activities include strategy development and the design of the user experience (UX), as well as the implementation and operational realization of business ideas. The proprietor-managed company has a total workforce of about 800 people working at locations in Germany, Portugal, the USA and India. The core competences of diconium include the development of sales platforms for digital products and services as well as IT systems in customer management.

Volkswagen Automotive Cloud to be the basis of digital value-added services in the connected vehicle

With diconium as a technology partner, the Volkswagen Group is taking the next step in its digitalization efforts. The objective is to offer customers digital value-added services quickly and easily for their vehicles, which will then be fully connected. The Volkswagen brand has taken the lead within the Group and is developing the Volkswagen Automotive Cloud together with Microsoft – this will link the connected vehicle, the cloud-based platform and digital services.

“At Volkswagen, we intend to expand our core business sustainably and to offer our customers more and more tailor-made digital value-added services in and around their vehicles,” says Christoph Hartung, Head of Digital & New Business / Mobility Services of the Volkswagen brand. “For this purpose, we are taking technology partners on board to assist us with development. Together, we will offer customers a wide and convenient range of services that they can use with their mobile devices or in their cars. With diconium, we have secured the support of a strong technology partner with substantial experience and considerable competence in the development of digital sales solutions.”

Among other activities, Volkswagen and diconium intend to launch a global online sales platform allowing Volkswagen customers to purchase and manage all the upcoming “We” services and on-demand functions for their connected vehicles. The functions available will include multimedia streaming, automatic payment for fuel, battery charging and parking, and over-the-air updates.

Jacobs ADT

Jacobs Vehicle Systems has introduced Active Decompression Technology (ADT), enabling heavy-duty commercial vehicles to benefit from an engine stop-start system and eliminating engine-shake at both start-up and shutdown. In addition to improving fuel economy and reducing emissions, ADT also improves cold engine starts, reduces loading and wear on engine components during start-up, and makes start-up faster.

Jacobs’ ADT device incorporates valve actuation technologies proven over many millions of miles and can be cost-effectively added to many engine platforms.

Stop-start engine technology, which automatically switches off the engine when it would otherwise be idling, is widely adopted by automotive manufacturers, however, it is less common in heavy-duty commercial vehicles. This is largely due to the intrusive engine and cabin-shake experienced whenever a heavy-duty diesel engine starts or stops, and because of the cost of technologies needed to mitigate increased wear-and-tear on the starter motor, ring-gear, and battery. ADT significantly reduces these issues.

Extensive testing has shown that ADT reduces the magnitude of engine-shake during shutdown by 90 percent, which is when vibrations transmitted to the cabin are of greatest frequency and strength. This has the additional benefit of preventing disturbance to drivers sleeping in cabs overnight when there are automated engine starts and stops to maintain battery charge.

Henkel & RLE Protects Batteries

At the upcoming Battery Electric Vehicle Architectures Congress Europe 2018 (BEVA Europe) in London on December 5 and 6, Henkel and RLE International will present a fresh new approach to the protection of battery units in next-generation electrical vehicles.

Facing the challenges of battery protection in electric vehicles (EV), Henkel and RLE International have investigated and validated the use of hybrid structural solutions vs. conventional designs for effective EV battery protection. The study comprises full simulation of optimized rocker panel and other parts in standard automotive side (pole), front and rear crash scenarios. At the same time, it reveals a significant lightweighting potential to compensate the added weight of EV batteries.




