중동 아프리카(MEA), 스마트 시티에 두배 투자한다 VIDEO: MEA smart city spending to double in next four years by Gavin Gibbon on Nov 20, 2018

MEA smart city spending to double in next four years 

by Gavin Gibbon on Nov 20, 2018 

Annual technology spending by smart cities in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region is expected to double from $1.3 billion to $2.7 billion in the next four years, according to KPMG’s ‘The Rise of Smart Cities – Digital Transformation in the Public Sector’ report.

Smart city spending will grow in the MEA region [representational image]. Smart city spending will grow in the MEA region [representational image]. /Construction Week


중동 아프리카(MEA), 스마트 시티에 두배 투자한다

전세계 스마트시티 건설에 2022년까지 1,580억 달러로 증가

   KPMG의 'MEA 스마트 시티의 부상' 보고서에 따르면 중동 및 아프리카 지역의 스마트 시티의 연간 기술 투자는 향후 4년 동안 13억 달러에서 27억 달러로 두 배가 될 것으로 예상된다.

사우디의 KPMG Al Fozan & Partners의 책임자인 사메르 압달라(Samer Abdallah)박사는 리야드에서 열린 디지털 사우디 2030 컨퍼런스에서 사우디 리야드아와 UAE 두바이가 최고의 투자 도시라고 발표했다.

비전 2030과 국가혁신 프로그램 2020에 맞춰 디지털 전환을 채택하려는 사우디 정부의 움직임을 감안할 때 스마트 시티에 대한 IT 투자는 매년 최소 14%씩 증가할 것으로 예상된다고 그는 덧붙였다.

세계적으로 스마트 시티 건설 지출이 2018년 810억 달러에서 2022년까지 1,580억 달러로 증가할 것으로 예상된다고 압달라 박사는 국제데이터공사의 자료를 인용해 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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Addressing the Digital Saudi 2030 conference in Riyadh, Dr Samer Abdallah, head of digital, KPMG Al Fozan & Partners in Saudi Arabia, revealed that Riyadh and Dubai are the top spenders when it comes to the development of smart cities.

“Given the Saudi government’s move to embrace digital transformation in alignment with Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Program 2020, information technology (IT) spending in the kingdom is slated to grow by at least 14 per cent each year,” he added.

Global smart city spending is set to accelerate from $81 billion in 2018 to $158 billion by 2022, Dr.  Abdallah said, citing data from International Data Corporation.

The critical success factors of digital transformation of a city include an individual strategy, a holistic approach, and technology partners. This entails, however, several challenges such as cyber risk, technology gap, funding gap, and skills gap, which need to be appropriately addressed.

Dr. Abdallah advised assembling a dedicated cross-functional transformation team; describing the future vision of a smart city and deriving the related digital transformation projects; selecting appropriate technologies and detailing the business cases; identifying suitable partners among tech providers and co-investors, and executing consistently under one governance, and allowing for agile project delivery as the model to building a smart city.

In another presentation on ‘The Race to the Cloud: Present and the future of cloud platforms in fuelling Artificial Intelligence’, Dr. Abdallah said: “As Saudi Arabia makes great strides to build a sophisticated digital infrastructure under its Vision 2030, cloud computing will be a catalyst for digital transformation.”


Persistence Market Research

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Cloud computing will play a key role in promoting Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) as these technologies are adopted across the broader business spectrum, he said, emphasising that companies will increasingly use AI-based cyber defence systems to detect and fend off any cyber-attacks.

Dr Abdallah pointed out that data analytics is becoming increasingly important tool for businesses, particularly Business Intelligence, as modern business problems require the analysis of large and complex combinations of data sources and sophisticated data models.



