새로운 템즈강 보행 및 자전거 교량 건설 Nine Elms to Pimlico Bridge

Nine Elms to Pimlico Bridge Competition, London River Thames Design Contest, Development Project

Nine Elms to Pimlico Bridge

Wandsworth River Thames Crossing Development, UK – London Design Competition Images

1 Nov 2018


Nine Elms to Pimlico Bridge Locations

Public Consultation for New Nine Elms to Pimlico Bridge Location

New Thames pedestrian and cycle bridge


새로운 템즈강 보행 및 자전거 교량 건설

11월, 교량 건설을 위한 3곳 공동 조사 예정

  2018년 11월에 있을 새로운 교량 공동 조사에서는 나인 엘름과 핌리코 사이의 템즈강을 가로지르는 제안된 교량의 위치 세 곳을  찾게될 것이다.

런던에 본사를 둔 로빈 스넬 건축회사(Robin Snell Architects)와 함께 덴마크의 Bstrup Architecture Design and Engineering이 이끄는 한 디자인 팀은 원스워스 의회(Wandsworth Council)를 위해 새로운 교량을 건설할 위치를 조사하고 있다. 그것은 보행자와 자전거 이용자들의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 특별히 개발된 최초의 템즈강 횡단 구조물들 중 하나가 될 것이다.

피터 머레이 뉴런 건축위원장은 웨스트민스터 시의원들이 이 사업의 최근 건설을 비판한 후 논란이 되고 있는 나인 엘름 피밀코 육교를 반대하는 '님비' 행위를 벌였다. 그는 웨스트민스터 시의원들이 자전거 타기를 지지하지 않고 변화에 저항하는 주민들에 의한 모든 저항에 무너진다고 비난했다.피터 머레이( Peter Murray)는 이 프로젝트가 "개발자 주도"라는 것은 중요하지 않다고 말하면서 이 시점에서 연관성이 정말로 필요하다고 주장했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

A new public consultation in November 2018 will look at three potential locations for a proposed bridge across the Thames between Nine Elms and Pimlico.

A design team led by Denmark’s Bystrup Architecture Design and Engineering with London-based Robin Snell Architects has been carrying out exploratory design work on a new bridge for Wandsworth Council. It would be one of the first Thames crossings developed specifically to meet the needs of both pedestrians and cyclists.

New London Architecture chair Peter Murray has hit out at ‘nimby’ opposition to the controversial Nine Elms Pimlico footbridge after Westminster councillors criticised the project’s latest developments. He criticised Westminster councillors for not supporting cycling and collapsing at every protest by change-resistant residents’. Peter Murray claimd there is a real need for a connection at this point in the river, saying it does not matter that the project is “developer driven”.

Public consultation in 2017 narrowed nine potential bridge locations down to three, which are now the subject of this latest round of consultation and further technical and feasibility work.

£26 million in private funding has been identified from the development of the Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea opportunity area and a new, sustainable river crossing is supported by the Draft London Plan.


               images Courtesy Wandsworth Council

Find out more on the Nine Elms Pimlico Bridge website:

New Nine Elms and Pimlico Bridge News

The original nine possible locations have been reduced to three after extensive consultation and technical work undertaken in 2017.

An exhibition will enable local residents to give the project team their opinions.

A final, preferred location being recommended to Wandsworth Council in 2019.

Consultation events:

– Saturday 3rd November 2018, 10am to 3pm

Park Court Clubroom, Battersea Park Road, Doddington Estate, Wandsworth, SW11 4LD

– Wednesday 7th November 2018, 3pm to 8pm

St George’s Patmore Church, 11 Patmore Street, Wandsworth, SW8 4JD

– Tuesday 6th November 2018, 3pm to 8pm

Bolney Meadow Community Centre, 31 Bolney Street, Lambeth, SW8 1EZ

– Friday 9th November 2018, 3pm to 8pm

110 Rochester Row, City of Westminster, SW1P 1JP

– Saturday 10th November, 10am to 3pm

Westminster Boating Base, 136 Grosvenor Road, City of Westminster, SW1V 3JY

7 Jul 2016

Nine Elms to Pimlico Bridge Doubt



