역대 최대 ‘1조8000억원’ 복권 당첨 주인공은 누구 VIDEO:One ticket won the $1.5 billion Mega Millions — here's who won the 5 biggest US lottery prizes ever

One ticket won the $1.5 billion Mega Millions — here's who won the 5 biggest US lottery prizes ever 

Tom Huddleston Jr

The world welcomed a new instant multimillionaire (or multimillionaires) on Tuesday night. One ticket sold in South Carolina overcame drastic odds to win the largest-ever Mega Millions jackpot of more than $1.5 billion.

Patrick Gorski | NurPhoto via Getty Images

A billboard advertising the largest Mega Millions jackpot ever for Oct. 23, 2018.


역대 최대 ‘1조8000억원’ 복권 당첨 주인공은 누구

단 한사람, 실명 안밝혀져

美 사우스캐롤라이나州 거주자

실수령 1조255억원

   16억달러(1조8140억원)에 달하는 메가 밀리언스 복권 ‘잭팟(jackpot)’ 주인공은 미국 사우스캐롤라이나주(州)에 거주하는 사람으로 나타났다. 자고 일어나니 ‘억만장자’가 된 것이다. 당첨자 신원은 아직 알려지지 않았다.

24일(현지 시각) 사우스캐롤라이나주 복권 당국은 사우스캐롤라이나주에서 메가 밀리언스 복권 1등 당첨 복권이 팔렸다고 밝혔다. 아직 다른 주에서는 확인이 안 된 상태로, 복권 당첨자가 더 나올 수 있다. 당첨자는 29년간 연금 형태로 전체 금액을 나눠 받거나 일시금으로 9억400만달러(약 1조255억원)를 바로 받을 수 있다. 미 CBS는 대부분 당첨자가 금액이 좀 적더라도 일시금으로 받는 걸 선호했다고 전했다.


                     2018년 10월 23일 오후 11시 16억달러(약1조8140억원)에 달하는 미국 복권 ‘메가 밀리언스’

                     의 추첨 번호가 나왔다. /메가 밀리언스

미국 양대 복권 중 하나인 ‘메가 밀리언스’는 한국 시각으로 24일 낮 12시(미국 동부 시각 23일 오후 11시) 복권 번호를 추첨했다. 행운의 6자리 숫자는 "5·28·62·65·70·5"였다. 이날 메가 밀리언스 복권 추첨은 조지아주(州) 애틀랜타 WSB-TV 생중계됐다. 

메가 밀리언스는 지난 7월 이후 3개월이 지나도록 당첨자가 나오지 않아 미국 역대 1위 복권 당첨금 기록을 썼다. 이전까지 역대 1위 당첨금은 2016년 1월 13일 파워볼 추첨 때 15억8600만달러(약 1조8000억원)였다.

메가 밀리언스는 6자리 숫자를 맞추는 방식의 복권이다. 1부터 70 사이 숫자 중 5개 숫자와 1부터 25 사이 ‘메가볼’ 숫자 1개를 맞혀야 한다. 메가 밀리언스는 매주 2회(화요일·금요일) 추첨이 이뤄진다. 당첨자가 나오지 않으면 당첨금은 이월된다

복권 당첨금을 신청하기까지는 최소 6개월에서 최장 1년까지 시간적 여유가 있다. 미국 내 델라웨어·조지아·캔자스·메릴랜드·노스다코타·오하이오·사우스캐롤라이나·텍사스주(州) 등 8개 주에서는 복권 당첨자 익명이 보장된다.

이다비 기자 조선일보

출처 : http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2018/10/24/2018102402155.html

edited by kcontents

Facing odds of 1 in 302.6-million, the winning ticket finally ended weeks of anticipation after no winning tickets were sold for the lottery since July 24. That means Mega Millions will reset to its baseline $40 million jackpot for its next drawing on Friday. But, you still have a chance at another huge jackpot, as the estimated Powerball prize for Wednesday night's drawing is now up to a whopping $620 million.

The most recent Mega Millions prize had been thought to be the largest lottery jackpot in history, but the final tally fell slightly below the estimated $1.6 billion total in the end. That makes the jackpot the second-biggest ever.

Lottery winners choose between receiving their winnings in an annuity — with payments over 30 years — or the more popular option, a single lump sum payment in a smaller amount (that's the option Kevin O'Leary says you should choose). The lump sum on Tuesday's $1.54 billion jackpot is $877.8 million. If the as yet unnamed winner (or winners) chooses that option, the total haul will be about $491.7 million, after both federal and state taxes (a 7 percent income tax in South Carolina, plus the 37 percent federal rate), while other taxes may also apply.

Here is a look at the top lottery prizes ever won.

1. $1.586 billion (Powerball)

This Powerball drawing from Jan. 13, 2016, for which three winning tickets were sold, remains history's biggest lottery prize.

The winners — John and Lisa Robinson in Tennessee, Maureen Smith and David Kaltschmidt in Florida and Marvin and Mae Acosta in California — split the full prize, giving them the option of roughly $533 million before taxes as an annuity or $327.8 million as the lump-sum payment.

The Robinsons' winning ticket was one of four they bought at a grocery store, they told NBC's TODAY show. They opted to take the lump sum. "We're not guaranteed tomorrow," says John.

Florida-based Smith and Kaltschmidt also picked the lump sum. At the time they planned to get massages, upgrade their truck and retire with the newfound wealth, according to NBC.

The Acostas remained anonymous for months after winning, but released a statement saying they were thankful for the "rare gift that has been placed in our care."

2. $1.537 billion (Mega Millions)

The winner (or winners) of Tuesday's drawing has yet to come forward, but lottery officials confirmed that only one ticket sold for the drawing matched all of the winning numbers. And, because that ticket was sold in South Carolina, the world may never know exactly who won the huge prize.

South Carolina is one of a handful of states that allows lottery winners to claim their prize anonymously — and it's possible Tuesday's winner (or winners) will do just that.

3. $758.7 million (Powerball)

               Mavis L. Wanczyk was announced as the winner of the $758.7 Million Powerball Jackpot in

               August of 2017.  Boston Globe | Getty Images

Mavis L. Wanczyk of Chicopee, Massachusetts, claimed the winning ticket for the $758.7 million Powerball jackpot in August of 2017, taking $480.5 million before taxes as the lump sum payment. One of the first things Wanczyk did after winning was to tell her employer, Mercy Medical Center, that she was quitting after working there for 32 years.

"I've called them and told them I will not be coming back," she told NBC.

4. $656 million (Mega Millions)

               Merle Butler, right, standing next to his wife Patricia Butler, holds up the winning Lottery ticket, 

               Wednesday, April 18, 2012.

               Belleville News-Democrat | Getty Image

Illinois winners Merle and Patricia Butler claimed $218.6 million of the winnings. And, in Maryland, where lottery winners are allowed to remain anonymous, three school employees claimed their share under the name "The Three Amigos."

The third winner in Kansas remains anonymous.

5. $648 million (Mega Millions)

Ira Curry of Georgia and Steve Tran of California split the December 2013 Mega Millions lottery after they both bought winning tickets. Both took the lump sum option worth roughly $173 million apiece.

After winning, Tran called his boss to say "I don't think I'm going to come in today, tomorrow or ever," according to NBC Bay Area. Because several states also give an additional prize to the store that sells the winning ticket, Jennifer's Gift Shop, where Tran bought several tickets, received its own $1 million for selling the winner.

Meanwhile, Curry bought her tickets as a last-minute decision and selected a combination of family birthdays and her lucky number seven.



