페이스북, 3D 사진 선보여 VIDEO: 3D Photos Now Rolling out on Facebook and in VR

3D Photos Now Rolling out on Facebook and in VR

Today we’re starting to roll out 3D photos, a new way to share your memories and moments in time with a fun, lifelike dimension in both News Feed and VR. With technology that captures the distance between the subject in the foreground and the background, 3D photos bring scenes to life with depth and movement.


페이스북,  3D 사진 선보여

생동감 넘치는 기억과 순간 공유

  페이스북이 3D 사진을 선보이기 시작했다, 뉴피드와 VR에서 재미있고 생동감 넘치는 기억과 순간을 공유할 수 있는 새로운 방법을 선보였다. 

전면와 배경 사이의 거리를 포착하는 기술을 통해 3D 사진은 깊이와 생동감 있는 사진을 보여준다

애완동물 사진이든, 친구든, 아니면 최근 휴가 때 찍은 멋진 장소든 간에, 호환 가능한 듀얼 렌즈의 스마트폰을 이용하여 Potrait 모드에서 사진을 찍으면 페이스북에서 3D 사진으로 공유할 수 있다. Oculus Go의 오귤러스 브라우저로 또는 Oculus Rift의 파이어 폭스를 사용하여 VR에서 3D 사진을 볼 수도 있다. 모든 사람이 3D로 사진을 볼 수 있다.

아래에 3D 사진 전문가가 되기 위한 그리고

3D로 촬영할 장면을 선택하는 데 유용한 몇 가지 팁과 방법이 소개되어 있다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator




edited by kcontents

Whether it’s a shot of your pet, your friends, or a beautiful spot from your latest vacation, you just take a photo in Portrait mode using your compatible dual-lens smartphone, then share as a 3D photo on Facebook where you can scroll, pan and tilt to see the photo in realistic 3D—like you’re looking through a window. You can also view 3D photos in VR using the Oculus Browser on Oculus Go or Firefox on Oculus Rift. Everyone will be able to see 3D photos in News Feed and VR today, while the ability to create and share 3D photos begins to roll out today and will be available to everyone in the coming weeks.

3D photos can help you feel even closer to the people, places and things you share on Facebook and relive your memories in a way that feels more real. Here’s how to do it:

Plus, here are some tips and tricks for becoming a 3D photo pro and selecting the scenes that will pop in 3D:

1. Create layers.

3D Photos use the depth maps that are stored with “Portrait” photos taken on iPhone 7+, 8+, X or XS. You’ll get the best results if your main subject is three or four feet away, and to really make it pop, try to capture scenes with multiple layers of depth, including something in the foreground and something in the background—like a shot of your family standing in a field of flowers.

2. Keep contrast in mind.

You’ll get more of the 3D effect when your photo’s subject has contrasting colors—for example, someone wearing a blue shirt standing in front of a blue wall won’t pop as much as someone wearing a different color.

3. Use texture.

Some materials and subjects make better 3D photos than others. You’ll get the best results from subjects that have some texture to them, have solid edges, and aren’t too shiny. Try to avoid transparent objects like clear plastic or glass, as they aren’t always accurately captured by depth sensors.

We’re listening to feedback on this new format as we continue rolling it out to everyone. We hope it will help you share your moments in a new way — and we can’t wait to see what you’ll create!



