미국, ‘럭서리 아파트’ 건설이 대세 Luxury apartments totally dominate the rental market
Luxury apartments totally dominate the rental market
For those looking for an apartment to rent, especially in one of America's largest cities, it's becoming more difficult to find something reasonably priced. Apartment buildings under construction in the most in-demand metro areas of the country -- particularly in university and high-tech cities such as Austin, Texas, and Charlotte, North Carolina -- are now mostly luxury units and almost never aimed at moderate- to lower-income renters.
Luxury apartments totally dominate the rental market/Flipboard
미국, ‘럭서리 아파트’ 건설이 대세 올해 1~3월 건설 대규모 아파트 단지 85% 이상 차지 올해 1~3월 미국에서 건설된 대규모 아파트 단지의 85% 이상이 최고급 사양의 소위 ‘럭서리 아파트’라는 조사 결과가 나왔다. 특히 대도시를 중심으로 중저가 렌트비의 아파트를 구하기가 갈수록 어려워지고 있어 미국도 럭서리 아파트 시대에 돌입한 것으로 풀이되고 있다. 9일 CBS뉴스 머니워치는 부동산정보 서비스업체 ‘렌트카페’(RentCafe)의 조사 결과를 인용해 올해 1분기에 완공된 대규모 아파트 단지에서 87%가 최고급 사양의 아파트인 것으로 나타났다고 전했다. 미국내 아파트의 고급화 추세는 2008년 금융위기 이후 지속되고 있는데 2012년에는 대규모 아파트 단지에서 최고급 아파트가 차지하는 비율이 50%를 넘어섰다. 올해 1분기 럭서리 아파트의 비율 87%는 지난해 79%에 비해 8%포인트 증가한 것이다. 아파트의 고급화 바람은 이제 단순한 경향을 넘어 대세로 자리를 잡아가고 있는 모양새다. 렌트카페에 따르면 복잡한 평가 기준들을 가지고 럭서리 아파트 여부를 가려내지만 그중에서도 가장 비중이 큰 것은 아파트 렌트비다. 전체 건설된 아파트의 54%에 해당하는 A+나 A 등급의 임대 아파트 렌트비 평균은 2,146달러로, 이들 아파트들이 900스퀘어피트를 조금 넘는 크기인 점을 감안하면 약 1스퀘어피트 당 2.38달러를 지불하고 있는 셈이다.
총수입의 25%가 렌트비의 적정선이라는 기준을 적용해보면 2베드룸의 럭서리 아파트에서 생활하려면 1년 수입이 8만6,000달러는 되어야 가능하다는 계산이다. 렌트카페에 따르면 올해 1분기에 건설된 ‘B’급 아파트는 전체 물량 중 2.3%에 불과한 형편이다. 이들 아파트의 평균 렌트비는 1,340달러 수준이다. 남상욱 기자 미주한국일보 |
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"Nationally, about 87 percent of all large-scale apartment buildings completed in the first half of 2018 are high-end," according to a survey by nationwide apartment-search website RentCafe. This trend has been gaining since the country pulled itself out of the Great Recession. In 2012, "high-ends" were just more than half of new construction. By 2017 they encompassed 79 percent of the market and are still on the rise this year.
"Just a few short years ago it was a sensation to see the rise of luxury rental buildings in our cities," the survey said. "Now they are pervasive."
Builders, bankers and financiers focus on these new and "edgy" apartment complexes with lots of amenities because of tax breaks created by newly revitalized metro areas wanting to attract more high-income residents, according to the survey.
What's considered a high-end apartment? RentCafe used a complicated series of ratings, including the size of the washer and dryer within the unit. But the best way to analyze it is by the price renters are willing to pay for "luxury" -- even if they don't want to. The average rent for A+ or A rated rentals, which now account for 54 percent of all construction, is $2,146 a month for slightly more than 900 square feet.
Of course, high-salaried New York City and San Francisco renters would consider that a bargain. But this national figure also includes lower-than-average-income cities like St. Louis, Missouri, which happens to be the fastest growing metropolitan area in the country. It built "nothing but high-end apartments in 2017," said the survey.
If you apply the yardstick that rent should equate to one-fourth of your gross income, this means the salary needed to rent a two-bedroom apartment in a large city is about $86,000. And if your eventual goal is to own either a condo or a house, that mission can become inaccessible because paying ever-increasing rent doesn't build equity.
The survey found that for those unable to earn this much income, new lower-priced rentals are almost nonexistent. Only 2.3 percent of new construction is for "B" rentals whose average monthly cost, which doesn't include frills like an exercise room, is about $1,340.
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"This type of rental housing still exists, so I wouldn't say that lower-end rentals are being forced out," said spokesperson Adrian Rosenberg of RentCafe.
But the Terner Center for Housing Innovation at the University of California at Berkeley, disagrees. Its recent study found that when those with higher incomes moved into the San Francisco Bay metro area between 2010 and 2016, lower-income residents were displaced. To find somewhere else to live, some had to move as far away as Sacramento.
The RentCafe survey also showed that luxury apartment construction was strongest in the Southwest, where these units experienced 88 percent growth, particularly in the big cities of Texas. Another trend the study found: Once recession-hobbled Las Vegas has been "boosted by Californians moving to Vegas in greater numbers."