뉴욕 증시, 금리 인상으로 8개월만 최대 낙폭 기록..."기술주 타격" VIDEO: US stocks suffer worst loss in 8 months amid rising interest rates, tech hit hardest

US stocks suffer worst loss in 8 months amid rising interest rates, tech hit hardest

Published time: 10 Oct, 2018 20:13

US stock exchanges recorded biggest losses in 8 months as rising interest rates made investors flee risky stocks. The S&P, Dow Jones and Nasdaq plunged between 3 and 4 percent. Technology shares were among the worst affected.

Traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, October 10, 2018 © Reuters / Brendan McDermid

뉴욕 증시, 금리 인상으로 8개월만 최대 낙폭 기록..."기술주 타격"

허리케인 마이클 플로리다 상륙, 에너지주에 타격

  미국 증시는 금리 인상으로 인해 투자자들이 리스크 주식을 피하게 되면서 8개월 만에 가장 큰 손실을 기록했다. S&P, 다우존스, 나스닥은 3퍼센트에서 4퍼센트 사이가 폭락했다. 기술주들이 가장 큰 타격을 입었다.

S&P 500지수가 거의 92포인트, 즉 3%를 약간 웃돌면서 올해 2월 이후 가장 큰 일일 손실이다. 한편 나스닥지수는 4.08%인 315.97포인트 하락했고 다우존스산업평균지수는 3.15%로 831포인트 하락했다.

연방준비제도이사회에 의한 금리 인상은 미 재무부의 수익률을 7년 이래 최고로 끌어올린 반면 허리케인 마이클의 플로리다 상륙은 에너지 회사에 미칠 영향에 대한 우려를 불러일으켰다고 시장 분석가들은 말했다. 넷플릭스, 아마존 그리고 구글의 모기업 알파벳을 선두로 기술주는 3%가 하락했다. 허리케인 때문에 멕시코만의 석유 생산이 중단됨에 따라 에너지 부문은 2.9%의 손실로 감수해야 했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

The S&P 500 fell almost 92 points, or just over 3 percent, the biggest daily loss since February this year. Meanwhile, the Nasdaq Composite dropped 315.97 points, or 4.08 percent, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 831 points, or 3.15 percent.

Rising interest rates by the Federal Reserve drove US Treasury yields to 7-year highs, while Hurricane Michael’s landfall in Florida stoked fears of impact on energy companies, according to market analysts. Technology stocks dropped 3 percent, with Netflix, Amazon and Google parent Alphabet leading the way. The energy sector was close behind with a 2.9 percent loss, as oil extraction in the Gulf of Mexico shutting down due to the hurricane.

   Hurricane Michael is seen from space just before landfall.Credit: NASA/.livescience.com

   edited by kcontents

The latest sell-off comes after months of continuous stock market growth stoked by the investors’ belief in “American exceptionalism,” according to an analyst from investment bank Morgan Stanley.

Skeptics like former Congressman Ron Paul, however, warned that the US is approaching “the biggest bubble in the history of mankind.”

“It can be pretty well validated by looking at monetary history that when you inflate the currency, distort interest rates, and live beyond your means and spend too much, there has to be an adjustment,” Paul told RT on Tuesday, predicting that a stock market crash is just a matter of time.


