영국 BAE사, 헐리우드 스타일의 영국 육군 차세대 블랙나이트 탱크 선보여 VIDEO: Weapons maker BAE reveals plans for British Army's next 'Black Night' battle tank in Hollywood-style trailer

Automatic missile launchers, gun turrets and night vision 'worthy of an Attenborough documentary': Weapons maker BAE reveals plans for British Army's next 'Black Night' battle tank in Hollywood-style trailer

The design by BAE Systems is a proposed upgrade for the Army's Challenger 2

Defence chiefs want to extend the life of the four-man armoured vehicle to 2035

BAE are bidding against German-based contractor Rheinmetall for the contract 


영국 BAE사, 헐리우드 스타일의 영국 육군 차세대 블랙나이트 탱크 선보여

육군의 챌린저 2의 업그레이드 버전

   레이저 경고 시스템, 자동 AI 구동 표적 및 '플랜트 어스 II 스타일' 열 이미징으로 개량된 영국 군 탱크 디자인이 공개되었다. 

BAE시스템의 최신 디자인은 이라크와 보스니아에서 사용됐고 2035년까지 연장할 계획인 챌린저 2호 전차를 업그레이드 버전이다.

국방 고위 관계자들은 4인용 장갑차의 수명을 2035년까지 연장하기를 원하고 있다.

BAE는 현재 독일의 라인메탈과 입찰에 참여하고 있다.

방위산업을 주력으로 하는 영국 BAE시스템즈는 보잉, 록히드마틴과 함께 세계 최대의 항공 방위산업 기업 가운데 하나로 평가 받는 기업이다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 15:49 BST, 3 October 2018 | UPDATED: 17:12 BST, 3 October 2018

A design has been unveiled for an upgraded British Army tank with a laser warning system, automatic AI-powered targeting and 'Planet Earth II style' thermal imaging.  

The latest design by BAE Systems is a proposed upgrade for the Challenger 2, a tank which has served in Iraq and Bosnia and which defence chiefs are planning to extend until 2035.

The firm - which released a Hollywood-style trailer for the vehicle - is one of two bidders, along with German-based defence contractor Rheinmetall, who are competing for the contract to prolong the Challenger's life.

The Challenger 2 has been in service since 1998 - the successor to the Challenger 1 which was used during the first Gulf War - and served during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. 

The 'Black Night' vehicle would have two independent night vision systems allowing a gunner to focus on 

one target while a commander identifies others simultaneously


The Challenger 2 has been in service since 1998 and defence chiefs are intending to keep it going until 2035.

 It is pictured in action in the southern Iraqi city of Basra in 2003 

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