인도네시아, 지진 쓰나미 강타한 지 며칠 만에 화산도 분화 A Volcano Just Erupted in Indonesia Just Days After Devastating Earthquake And Tsunami
A Volcano Just Erupted in Indonesia Just Days After Devastating Earthquake And Tsunami
Only days after a devastating earthquake and tsunami struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi – killing at least 1,347 people – survivors now have another powerful force of nature to reckon with.
술라웨시의 소푸탄 화산 분화 모습
인도네시아, 지진 쓰나미 강타한 지 며칠 만에 화산도 분화 인도네시아 술라웨시 섬을 강타한 지진과 쓰나미가 적어도 1,347명의 목숨을 앗아간 지 며칠 만에 화산이 분화해 또 다른 강력한 재해를 예고하고 있다. 술라웨시의 소푸탄 화산 활동이 몇 달 동안 활발해지면서 오늘 아침 폭발로 최고조에 달해, 공중으로 4,000미터까지 솟구친 것으로 추정되는 화산재 기둥이 생성되었다. 인도네시아 당국은 불과 몇 시간 전에 옐로우(Yellow -Unassigned)로 올린 VONA(Volcano Observator for Aviation) 화산관측 고시를 항공운항 코드를 오렌지(Orange)등급으로 상향조정 발표했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Months of increased activity at the Mount Soputan volcano on Sulawesi culminated in an eruption this morning, producing an ash column estimated to extend as high as 4,000 metres (over 13,000 ft) into the sky.
Officials at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources immediately issued a Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation (VONA) updating the aviation colour code to Orange, having raised it to Yellow (from Unassigned) only hours before.
Nearly 200,000 people have been displaced and are in need of emergency help [Hafidz Mubarak]/Al Jazeera
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Prior to the eruption, authorities at MAGMA Indonesia (Multiplatform Application for Geohazard Mitigation and Assessment) issued a statement explaining that both thermal and seismic activity at the volcano had increased in recent weeks.
Readings from a thermal camera indicated the presence of high temperature lava near the top of Soputan, and seismic activity had jumped from approximately two recorded seismic events per day during September to 101 recorded quakes on Tuesday.