미 산업안전보건청(OSHA) 5개의 시공사에 건설현장 사고 벌금 부과 VIDEO: OSHA Fines 5 Contractors Involved with Florida Pedestrian Bridge Collapse
OSHA Fines 5 Contractors Involved with Florida Pedestrian Bridge Collapse
September 21, 2018 Shane Hedmond
As other organizations, like the NTSB, are busy analyzing the root cause of the pedestrian bridge collapse that killed 6 people and injured 8 others in Florida in March, OSHA has finished their investigation and issued safety violations to 5 different contractors.
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미 산업안전보건청(OSHA) 5개의 시공사에 건설현장 사고 벌금 부과 여기에는 올 3월 15일 발생한 플로리다 교량 붕괴 사고도 포함되어 있다. NTSB와 같은 기관들이 3월 플로리다에서의 6명의 사망자와 8명의 부상자를 발생시킨 육교 붕괴의 근본 원인 분석한 후 OSHA는 이에 대한 조사를 마치고 5개의 건설업자에게 안전 위반에 대한 벌금 부과 조치를 발표했다. 5개의 건설업자의 사고건수는 모두 7건으로 벌금액수는 86,658달러였다. 그렇게 많은 비극적인 죽음과 부상을 야기시킨 사고에 비해 그리 겨우 이정도라고 생각할 수도 있지만 민사 소송과 그 후에 이루어질 수 있는 형사상 과실 댓가는 어느정도가 될지 모른다. 'Cracking is not good': Engineer called to report bridge flaws before Florida collapse 미 플로리다 교량 붕괴 이틀전 현장기사가 경고 메시지 보냈다 http://conpaper.tistory.com/64598 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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On September 16, the US Department of Labor (DOL) and OSHA announced that they issued a total of 7 safety violations spread out amongst the five contractors after 1 construction worker was killed and 5 others sustained serious injuries as a result of the collapse. The other fatalities and injury victims were pedestrians and motorists.
Collectively, these 7 violations totaled $86,658. That may not sound like a lot of money for an accident that caused so many tragic deaths and injuries, but there are many civil suits and possible criminal negligence charges that could come following the finished investigations.
According to the OSHA press release: “OSHA cited Figg Bridge Engineers Inc., a civil and structural engineering company; Network Engineering Services Inc. (doing business as Bolton Perez & Assoc.), a construction engineering and inspection firm; Structural Technologies LLC (doing business as Structural Technologies/VSL), specializing in post-tensioning in bridges and buildings; Munilla Construction Management LLC, a bridge and building construction company; and The Structural Group of South Florida Inc., a contractor specializing in concrete formwork.”
Florida Pedestrian Bridge Collapse/CNBC.com
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The violations included General Duty Clause violations for not provided a workplace free of recognized hazards, employers not providing horizontal lifelines, and personal fall arrest system citations. You can read the official citation letters from OSHA for each company here: Figg Bridge Engineers Inc., Network Engineering Services Inc., Structural Technologies LLC, Munilla Construction Management LLC, and The Structural Group of South Florida Inc.
“Collectively, these employers failed to take appropriate action and provide the necessary protections to their employees while they were working on the bridge on the day it collapsed,” said OSHA Regional Administrator Kurt A. Petermeyer.
More information: U.S. Department of Labor Cites Five Contractors for Safety Violations Following Florida Pedestrian Bridge Collapse | OSHA