33살의 사진작가, 고장난 카메라로 빈티지 스마트 워치를 만들다 VIDEO: Say cheese! Professional photographer, 33, turns a broken camera into a 'vintage smartwatch' that takes photos with a working shutter

Say cheese! Professional photographer, 33, turns a broken camera into a 'vintage smartwatch' that takes photos with a working shutter


Photographer Alireza Rostami created the watch using a Seagull TLR camera

He bought the discarded camera from a photographer after he had broken it

The 33-year-old said he calls the new wearable 'Gadget Shutter'


33살의 사진작가, 고장난 카메라로 빈티지 스마트 워치를 만들다

사진작가 알리레자 로스타미는 역시 같은 사진작가에게서 

고장난 카메라를 구입해  실제 사진을 찍는 빈티지 스마트 워치를 만들었다

그는 버려진 Seagull Twin-Lens Reflex (TLR) 카메라의 부품을 이용하여 

그의 독특한 발명품을 조립했다.

로스타미는 이 웨어러블을 '가젯 셔터'라고 명명했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


PUBLISHED: 12:47 BST, 13 September 2018 | UPDATED: 13:38 BST, 13 September 2018

An inventive photographer has built a 'vintage smartwatch' that takes real photos using pieces from a broken camera.

Photographer Alireza Rostami put together his one-of-a-kind invention using the parts of a discarded Seagull Twin-Lens Reflex (TLR) camera.

The 33-year-old calls the stylish device the 'Gadget Shutter', and says it can be operated manually or using a built-in timer.



