세계 최대의 해양 정화시스템 가동 준비 VIDEO: World’s Largest Ocean Cleanup System Is Finally Ready to Launch
World’s Largest Ocean Cleanup System Is Finally Ready to Launch
By Jessica Stewart on September 2, 2018
Since 2015, we've been following the story of Boyan Slat, a young inventor who set out to fight against the world's plastic pollution problem. At only 20 years old, he developed an invention aimed at tackling the world's largest patch of garbage, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Ocean Cleanup Launch
세계 최대의 해양 정화시스템 가동 준비 2015년부터 우리는 세계 플라스틱 오염 문제에 맞서 싸우기 시작한 젊은 발명가 보얀 슬래트의 이야기. 그는 겨우 20살이었을 때 세계에서 가장 큰 쓰레기 지역인 태평양 지역 정화를 위한 환경시스템을 개발했다 캘리포니아와 하와이 사이에 위치한 이 쓰레기 볼텍스(소용돌이)는 60만 평방 마일의 대양을 덮으며 수많은 동물들의 죽음에 막을 막중한 책임을 지고 있다. 수년간의 시험과 연구 끝에, 슬랫(Slat) 재단의 오션정화시스템(The Ocean Cleanup)은 마침내 시스템 가동을 시작하고 태평양의 정화를 시작할 준비가 완료됐다. 이 시스템은 물 위에 떠 있으며 거의 600m에 달하는 대형 튜브로 구성되어 있으며 3m 높이의 테이퍼 스커트가 부착되어 있어 이물질이 빠져 나가지 못하도록 되어 있다. 물 속의 전류는 시스템을 자연스럽게 따라 이동하며, 튜브가 구부러지면 쉽게 제거할 수 있도록 가운데에 쓰레기를 모아 놓는다. 이것은 몇 달마다 한 척의 배가 쓰레기를 수거해서 분류하고 재활용하기 위해 육지로 가져올 수 있도록 만들어 놓는다. 이 간단한 아이디어는 시험 결과 매우 효과적이라는 것이 증명되었고, 이제만 가동만 하면 되는 것이다. 상세는 동영상 참조 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
This vortex of trash, located between California and Hawaii, covers 600,000 square miles of ocean and is responsible for countless animal deaths. After years of testing and research, Slat's foundation The Ocean Cleanup is finally ready to launch the system and begin the Pacific cleanup. The invention consists of a nearly 2,000-foot-long tube that floats on the water. This has a 10-foot tapered skirt attached to it that stops debris from escaping.
Currents in the water carry the system along naturally, and as the tube curves, it accumulates garbage in the center for easy removal. This means that every few months, a vessel can go to retrieve the trash and bring it to land for sorting and recycling. This simple idea has proved effective in testing and now that the system passed its last tests for seaworthiness, it's ready to take on its big mission.
On September 8, the system will be launch from The Ocean Cleanup assembly yard and move through the San Francisco Bay toward the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Once launched, it should take about 3.5 hours to enter the Pacific Ocean, at which point its final destination will be about 1,000 nautical miles away.
The day is a pivotal moment for Slat and his team, which went through almost 300 scale models, comprehensive mapping of the Garbage Patch, and several technology iterations to bring the system to fruition. With the launch nearly here, they can then focus on the next goal, which is cleaning up half of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in five years.
Want to watch the momentous occasion? The Ocean Cleanup is live streaming the system launch on its website starting at 12pm PDT / 3 pm EDT / 9 pm CEST on September 8, 2018.
Located between California and Hawaii, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a vortex of trash that kills a substantial amount of wildlife.
![Great Pacific Garbage Patch Infographic](https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/great-pacific-garbage-patch.jpg)
Photo: Pro_Vector via Shutterstock
Learn more about how The Ocean Cleanup's system will tackle the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
After years of testing, the full system is being assembled for launch on September 8, 2018.
People can tune in and watch as the cleaning system moves into the Pacific Ocean.
![Ocean Cleanup Launch](https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/ocean-cleanup-launch-trajectory.jpg)
And to think, just three years ago this was only the dream of a 20 year old interested in cleaning up the planet.
The Ocean Cleanup: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
h/t: [reddit]
All images via The Ocean Cleanup except where noted.