1,300불 짜리 홀로그래픽 AI 와이프 VIDEO: The $1300 holographic AI wife that will 'serve her master' (if you keep paying her $14 a month 'living expenses')

The $1300 holographic AI wife that will 'serve her master' (if you keep paying her $14 a month 'living expenses')

Gatebox is a 20in tall cylinder tub that houses a holographic anime girl

Named Aizuma Hikari, she is a virtual assistant wearing a dress with blue hair 

Users and  Aizuma converse using the accompanied app when they are apart  


1,300불 짜리 홀로그래픽 AI 와이프

아내에게 봉사를 받으려면 생활비(?)로 매달 14불을 지불해야 한다. 

게이트박스는 약 50cm 높이의 실린더 모양으로 홀로그래피 여성이 들어가 있다.

이름은 아이주마 히카리, 푸른 옷을 입고 있는 가상의 도우미다.

사용자와 아이주마는 어플을 공유하며 대화할 수가 있다.

과연 남자들이 대리 만족을 얻을 수 있을까?

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


PUBLISHED: 20:36 BST, 17 August 2018 | UPDATED: 20:50 BST, 17 August 2018

A Japanese firm is hoping a tiny holographic girl could take the place of a wife. 

Called Aizuma Hikari, the tiny holographic anime girl that stands just a few inches tall inside of a cylindrical projector.

Japanese tech firm Gatebox says the system is able to communicate with its owners, called 'masters', through speakers and even an app.

The Tokyo-based firm says it is aimed at 'single men who live alone'.



