2018 베이징 세계 로봇대회 VIDEO: World Robot Conference – WRC, BEIJING, CHINA

World Robot Conference – WRC 2018


15 – 19 August 2018, Beijing, China

Creating Intelligent Momentum for a New Era of Openness and Shared Benefits

여름방학 기간 베이징 이촹(亦創)국제컨벤션센터에서 열린 2018세계로봇대회는 많은 청소년들이 ‘모여’ 성황을 이루었다. 이번 대회는 8월 15일에서 19일까지 진행될 예정이다. [촬영/ 신화사 기자 뤄샤오광(羅曉光)] 원문 출처:신화사

Based on the successful WRC from 2015 to 2017, and with an aim to build a comprehensive platform for communication and cooperation in robotics worldwide, the World Robot Conference (WRC2018), themed “Creating Intelligent Momentum for a New Era of Openness and Shared Benefits” will be held from 15 to 19 August in Beijing, China.

WRC2018 will invite world-renowned robotics experts to conduct high-level academic discussions, attract robot enterprises, universities and institutes to showcasethe latest achievements and application products in robotics, as well as hold multiple wonderful robotic contests.

WRC2018 will also explore the profound impact of robot revolution on social development in the future, focusing on areas such as strategic development, cutting-edge technologies, industrial application, thus building a communication platform featured by consultation, contribution and win-win situation for enterprises, universities, institutes and people from all walks of life around the world.

In the end, the event will enhance international cooperation on robotics, step up connections between smart societies, so as to benefit the social life of human.

The event will see more than 12,000 competing teams from more than 10 countries and regions take part. More than 50,000 participants are expected to attend.

A robot competition will be held during the conference. Participants will compete in five categories in the competition.

The conference will greatly stimulate passion and innovation in the robot industry, and help with research and development, according to the organizer.

8월 16일, 어린이 한명이 2018세계로봇대회(World Robot Conference 2018)에서 로봇과 인터렉션을 하고 있다. 

edited by kcontents

The topics of Interest will be the following:

Intelligent Control Systems And Optimization

Robotics and Automation

Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modelling and Control

Industrial Engineering, Production and Management

The People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MIIT), and China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) jointly held the World Robot Conference from 2015 to 2017 for three consecutive years, with the permission of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China.

It was a prestigious international conference in global robotic industry with the largest scale, the highest standards, and the most intensified resources. The conference pooled the wisdom of experts around the world, attracted top enterprises in the world and displayed the latest scientific and technological achievements, which had guiding significance for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Prof. Gong Ke, WFEO President-Elect, takes part in the WRC2018 program definition and will chair a session in the event.





