사우디 알 웨디안(Al Wedyan) 신도시 건설계획 공개 Saudi's Al Akaria unveils construction plan for 700ha Riyadh project
Saudi's Al Akaria unveils construction plan for 700ha Riyadh project
by Jack Ball on Aug 6, 2018
Al Akaria Saudi Real Estate Co (SCRECO) has announced plans to build Al Widyan, a 700ha mixed-use project, in Riyadh’s northern corridor.
According to a statement by the Saudi real estate giant, Phase 1 construction activities are expected to cost $2.7bn (SAR10bn). Work on the ambitious project already began last year with transportation and traffic impact studies completed and approved.
사우디 알 웨디안(Al Wedyan) 신도시 건설계획 공개 사우디 부동산개발 회사 알 아키라(SCRECO)는 700ha 규모의 알 웨디안(Al Wedyan) 복합 신도시 개발 계획을 공개했다. 1단계에는 27억불이 투입 예정이며 작년에 이미 교통계획 조사 및 승인 완료 이후 프로젝트 착수에 들어갔다 SCRECO는 알 웨디안(Al Wedyan)신도시가 에너지 사용 40%와 물 소비 35%를 줄일 것이며 7년간의 단계별 건설 프로그램에 의해 수행될 것이라고 말하고 있다. 프로젝트는 2018년 4분기에 공식적으로 착수될 예정으로 수많은 양해 각서(MOU)가 이미 SCRECO의 상업적 파트너들과 체결된 바 있다. 리야드 국제 공항에서 15분, 리야드 시내에서 20분 거리에 위치한 알 와디안프로젝트는 자체 규 지위를 부여 받은 최초의 민간 부동산 프로젝트이다. 한편 한국의 한미글로벌은 현지법인과 합작으로 건설 프로젝트 총괄사업관리 수주한 바 있다. 한미글로벌, 1천억 규모 사우디 리야드 알 웨디안(Al Wedyan) 신도시 개발 사업 PMO 용역 수주 http://conpaper.tistory.com/61808 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
SCRECO said Al Widyan will seek a 40% reduction in energy use and a 35% reduction in water consumption, and will be delivered over a phased programme, expected to be carried out over a seven-year period. The development's official launch is expected in Q4 2018.
Numerous memorandums of understanding (MoUs) have already been signed with the group’s commercial partners, with dialogue ongoing with a wide range of other potential Saudi and international stakeholders.
Located 15 minutes from the Riyadh International Airport and 20 minutes from downtown Riyadh, Al Widyan is the first private real estate project to be granted the status of a self-regulatory office, which, according to SCRECO, de-risks activities for investors, reduces complexity in the development phase, and fast-tracks permit services.
SCRECO added: “Co-developers and sub-developers will be able to enjoy significantly shorter go-to-market timelines, making the project an attractive investment opportunity with fast and efficient procedures that will cut through bureaucracy and remove the need to engage with central government authorities.”
edited by kcontents
Speaking on the move, Abdulrahman Almofadhi, chairman of SCRECO’s board of directors, said: “Al Widyan will be a new paradigm for community living in the kingdom and will embody the spirit of new Saudi Arabia, and the power of human talent to conceptualise and develop the future that we aspire to for our children, communities, and nation.”
He added: “We are building legitimate proof of concept, locating key partners and investors and beginning construction.
“In line with this approach, our operations and projects are increasingly independent of public sector funding, and open to investors from all over the world. We look forward to revealing more details to the public in October.”