세계 최다 복제된 초소형 강아지 '미라클 밀리' VIDEO: World's most cloned dog 'Miracle Milly' has been copied 49 times by scientists
World's most cloned dog 'Miracle Milly' has been copied 49 times by scientists in a bid to find the reason behind her record-breaking tiny size
The dog, named 'Miracle Milly', weighed less than one ounce at birth
She has become a global sensation, with more than 300,000 followers online
Because of her diminutive stature, she was cloned a record 49 number of times
Milly now stands less than 10cm (3.8in) tall and weighs the same as a large apple
세계 최다 복제된 초소형 강아지 '미라클 밀리'
미라클 밀리는 출생 시 몸무게가 겨우 1온스(28.3g)
품종은 치와와다.
왜 이렇게 크기 작은지 그 이유를 찾기 위해 과학자들에
의해 무려 49번이나 복제되었다.
밀리의 키는 지금도 겨우 10cm에 불과하며 몸무게는 큰 사과만하다.
밀리는 온라인에 30만명의 팬을 가지고 있다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
PUBLISHED: 10:51 BST, 6 July 2018 | UPDATED: 13:23 BST, 6 July 2018
The smallest dog on the planet has been cloned a record-breaking 49 times – making her a two-time world record holder.
Scientists have created 49 genetically-identical dogs based on genes from the tiny Chihuahua, known as 'Miracle Milly'.
The six-year-old pup was replicated by scientists hoping to unearth the genetic code behind her tiny stature.
'Miracle Milly' purportedly weighed less than an ounce at birth, and could curl up inside the head of a teaspoon, leading vets to speculate she would not survive.