공중에 떠서 좁은 공간을 지날 수 있는 용 타입 로봇 VIDEO: The flying dragon robot that can 'shapeshift' in mid air to squeeze through tight spaces

The flying dragon robot that can 'shapeshift' in mid air to squeeze through tight spaces

Roboticists in Tokyo developed a robot called DRAGON that can fly indoors

Machine can transform mid-flight into multiple shapes to squeeze in tight spaces

Made of linked modules, driven by an Intel Euclid and powered by battery pack

공중에 떠서 좁은 공간을 지날 수 있는 용 타입 로봇

도쿄의 로봇개발자는 실내에서 날아다니는 드래곤'이라는 로봇을 개발했다.

이 로봇은 좁은 공간을 지날 수 있게 변형된다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


PUBLISHED: 23:44 BST, 29 June 2018 | UPDATED: 00:00 BST, 30 June 2018

It may sound like something from an episode of Game of Thrones, but Japanese researchers have revealed an indoor robot called DRAGON that can 'shapeshift' in mid air. 

DRAGON, short for 'Dual-rotor embedded multilink Robot with the Ability of multi-deGree-of-freedom aerial transformatiON,' can transform into multiple shapes including a square and a snake.

There are not many indoor aerial robots due to constraints coming from door frames, as well as various hazards including windows and furniture.



