스마트폰 중독 디톡스(해독) 방법 America's Smartphone Addiction
America's Smartphone Addiction
by Felix Richter,
Jun 20, 2018
Ever since the first iPhone arrived in 2007, smartphones have gradually taken over our lives. We use them to listen to music, take photos, follow the news and sometimes even to make phone calls. They have become a constant presence in both our professional and our personal lives. However, the endless stream of information and stimuli from our phones tends to wreak havoc on our ability to focus on one task at a time, which is why many people feel the need to limit their phone usage.
University of Pennsylvania
스마트폰 중독 디톡스(해독) 방법
1. 사람들을 만날 때 스마트폰을 가방이나 주머니에서 꺼내지 않는다.
2. 알람 기능을 꺼 놓은다
3. 혼자있을 때 스마트폰을 가방/주머니에 둔다
4. 어플들을 삭제한다 (특히 게임)
5. 저녁에는 폰을 꺼 놓는다.
Byungtae Lee @LotusCreekKR
edited by kcontents
According to a survey conducted by Deloitte in 2017, 47 percent of U.S. smartphone owners have made an effort to limit their phone use in the past. The most popular ways of trying to do so are keeping the phone out of sight in a pocket and turning notifications off. The lure of Twitter, Instagram and the like remains hard to resist however: only 30 percent of smartphone owners have succeeded in reducing their phone time.