PlanGrid Releases 7 New Updates to Make Life Easier 플랜 그리드(Plan Grid), 7개의 새로운 기능 업데이트 출시

PlanGrid Releases 7 New Updates to Make Life Easier

June 11, 2018 Shane Hedmond

Tracking updates to construction software is uncharted territory for many contractors and very easy to miss.  I’m going to be highlighting a lot more software updates and enhancements for several of the major project management and construction productivity software that many construction professionals are using in the future.  Recently, PlanGrid announced 7 small, but new, updates that most of its users will  find helpful.

플랜 그리드(Plan Grid), 7개의 새로운 기능 업데이트 출시

최근 플랜그리드는 

7개의 작지만 건설 전문가들이 사용하게 될 

주요 프로젝트 관리의 새로운 소프트웨어를 

업데이트해 공개했다.

플랜 그리드(Plan Grid)는

도면 공유 프로그램을 도입해 건설 현장의 스마트 워크시스템을 구축히고 있다.

1. Add Multiple Assignees and Watchers to Issues

사용자가 2명의 팀구성원에 문제할당 및 예측 변수 추가

PlanGrid has always allowed users to track punch list items in the “Issues” tab, but the updates will now give users the ability to assign those issues to 2 different team members and also add an unlimited amount of “watchers” to each item. 

The watchers will be able to view the items and will also receive a notification when the issue has been updated with new information. That’s a nice addition that will eliminate a lot of manual follow-up.

plangrid punchlist watcher.JPG

2. Bulk Add “Watching” Team Members in Submittals

관찰자 추가하면 제출물 변경되거나 승인될 때 관련 팀원이 업데이트

PlanGrid released their Automatic Submittal Log in January of 2018, which allows users to upload an entire spec book or multiple spec sections and automatically create a submittal log in minutes. As an added enhancement, Submittals users can add watchers to Submittals that are being tracked in bulk, instead of manually adding watchers one-by-one. Adding a watcher keeps pertinent members of the team updated when changes or approvals are made on the submittal.

3. Related Links on sheets

쉬트에 대한 관련 링크 기능 추가

PlanGrid automatically creates links to other sheets when they are referenced, allowing you quick access to click and navigate to the referenced sheet. The addition of the “Related Links” section shows you every single sheet that is referenced on the sheet, so you can quickly find the one you’re looking for.

4. Photos are now linked to GPS

사진과 gps와의 연결 

Imagine working on a 100 acre development or a highway project and taking hundreds of progress pictures, but not having a clue where the pictures are in relation to the site.  I’m sure many of you have been in this situation, but PlanGrid’s new GPS coordinates feature on photos will hopefully save you some hassle in the future. Now, your location when you took the phot is captured within PlanGrid, so you know exactly where you were when you took it. If you’re using PlanGrid offline at the time of the picture, the geolocation will be updated once you’re connected again.


5. Folders for Templates in Field Reports

필드리포트에 템프리트 폴더 추가

PlanGrid added Field Reports in 2017 and they’ve added an enhancement to allow users to add folders and subfolders on the web platform. This will give you an additional option for organizing your company’s Field Reports how you see fit.

plangrid report folders.JPG

6. Bulk Edit Field Reports

많은 양의 편집 필드 리포트 기능

Bulk editing is a theme of this list and you can now bulk edit multiple Field Reports.  Simply click the check box next to the reports you want to edit and you can change things like weather, notes, assignees, reviewers, managers, and reminders for all of the selected reports at the same time.

PLangrid bulk edit field reports.JPG

7. Weather Improvements

기상조건 개선

No one watches the weather more closely than meteorologists and construction professionals. NOBODY, you hear me? Tracking weather is also extremely important for project documentation and quality control.

PlanGrid has always offered the option to add weather reports automatically to Daily Reports, but the weather reports will now include precipitation amount (instead of probability) and there is also a new humidity measurement.

For more information about all of the updates, visit PlanGrid's blog post titled "7 New PlanGrid Updates That Matter" 



