The first-ever map of cities that have the worst pollution

The first-ever map of cities that have the worst pollution


A new interactive map has revealed where the greatest carbon footprints are across the world, with both New York and Los Angeles in the top five.

seoul polution/Business Insider

Business Insider

New research has shown most of the world's carbon emissions come from only a few cities and 18 percent of worldwide emissions come from 100 cities.

Seoul sits at the top of the list, producing 276.1 megatonnes of carbon dioxide each year.

Lead author Daniel Moran from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) tells The Daily Mail he is surprised at just how concentrated carbon footprints are and that action for change can be made.

"This means concerted action by a small number of local mayors and governments can significantly reduce national total carbon footprints."

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Auckland features at number 373 on the list and is the only New Zealand city on there.




