쿠바 항공기 추락 107명 사망 3명 극적 생존 Hand-Me-Down Plane That Crashed Reflects a Cuban Air Industry in Crisis

Hand-Me-Down Plane That Crashed Reflects a Cuban Air Industry in Crisis

By Azam Ahmed and Kirk Semple

May 19, 2018

MEXICO CITY — Almost 40 years old by the time it crashed on Friday just outside of Havana, killing 110 people, the aging Boeing 737 had changed ownership nearly a half-dozen times, passing from operators in the United States to Canada, from Cameroon to the Caribbean

Rescuers searching through the wreckage of a Boeing 737 that crashed with more than 100 passengers on board near Havana on Friday.CreditRamon Espinosa/Associated Press

쿠바 항공기 추락 107명 사망 3명 극적 생존 

쿠바에서 항공기가 이륙한 직후 바로 추락해 107명이 사망하는 사고가 발생했다.

AFP통신 등 외신들은 18일(현지시간) 오전 쿠바에서 116명을 태운 민간 항공기가 수도인 아바나 호세 마르티 국제공항을 이륙한 직후 추락했다고 긴급 보도했다. 

또 부서진 잔해에서 여성승객 3명이 구출돼 병원으로 긴급 이송돼 치료를 받고 있지만 위중한 상태라고 덧붙였다. 

사고 당시 항공기에는 어린이 5명을 포함, 최소 110명의 승객과 6명의 멕시코 조종사.승무원이 탑승했으며 승객 대부분은 쿠바인이고, 2명의 아르헨티나인을 포함한 5명의 외국인이 타고 있었던 것으로 전해졌다. 



황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

“I actually flew that exact plane,” said John Cox, the head of the consultancy Safety Operating Systems, who traced the aircraft’s ownership back to 1979, when it was new and belonged to Piedmont Airlines, his former employer.

Though the cause of the crash has not been determined, the plane itself is a powerful symbol of Cuba’s troubled aviation industry. As tourism to the island surges, Cuba’s national airline finds itself struggling to acquire enough planes to meet the demand and maintain its decrepit fleet.

Cuba’s economy has long been in shambles, and experts say the troubles plaguing its aviation sector stem from the same obstacles that have bedeviled the country for decades: economic mismanagement and the United States embargo of the island.



