프로농구 선수를 능가하는 휴머노이드 로봇 VIDEO: Future of sport? Toyota unveils a 6ft 3in robot basketball player that uses AI to shoot hoops better than the pros

Future of sport? Toyota unveils a 6ft 3in robot basketball player that uses AI to shoot hoops better than the pros

Android 'Cue' can shoot basketball hoops with nearly 100 per cent accuracy

Its AI learned to score baskets by throwing some 200,000 practice shots

In a shootout, the robot had a higher shot accuracy than players at Arvalq Tokyo

They play in the first division of Japan's top professional basketball league 

프로농구 선수를 능가하는 휴머노이드 로봇 

키 1m 90cm의 휴머노이드 로봇 '큐(Cue)'

일본 토요타가 공개한 프로농구선수들보다 공을 더 잘던지는 로봇

짧은 거리에서 거의 100%의 슛 성공률을 자랑한다.

이 로봇 뇌에는 무려 20만번이나 공을 던진 경험이 AI 프로그램을 가지고 있다.

미래에는 휴머노이드와 농구경기를 하는 운동이 유행할지도 모르겠다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

By Harry Pettit For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 15:16 GMT, 15 March 2018

A 6ft 3in(1.9m) humanoid robot that shoots hoops better than professional basketball players has been unveiled by Toyota.

Named Cue, the android can shoot with nearly 100 per cent accuracy at short distances, according to the Japanese engineers behind the project.

It has learned to score hoops using artificial intelligence having thrown some 200,000 practice shots.

In a shootout (pictured), the robot had a higher shot accuracy than players at Arvalq Tokyo, a team in Japan's top professional league

In a shootout, the robot scored more free-throws than players at Arvalq Tokyo, a team in Japan's top professional league.

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