백색의 소중함: 늑대의 눈 목욕 VIDEO:The Importance of Being White: Alawa the Wolf Takes a Snow Bath

The Importance of Being White: Alawa the Wolf Takes a Snow Bath 


28.02.2018(updated 19:32 28.02.2018) 

© Photo: Youtube/nywolforg

백색의 소중함: 늑대의 눈 목욕 

늑대도 사람처럼 깨끗해지고 싶은 위생관념이 있을까?

호부의 다윈 북부의 교외 알라와에서 늑대가 눈으로 얼굴을 부비는 

모습이 포착됐다. 피묻은 얼굴을 닦아내고 있는 것이다.

늑대지만 장난기 있는 모습이 귀여워 보이기까지 하다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

A video showing a wolf wiping and cleaning her face of blood and debris in the snow, showing that wolves know more about hygiene than we thought. They aren't called the sanitary assistants of the woods for nothing.

Alawa is a captive grey wolf (born April 20, 2011) at the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC), a non-profit organization, in South Salem, NY. She is one of the four "ambassador wolves" at the WCC that help teach the public about wolves and their vital role in the environment.



