오징어의 놀라운 무장 피부 VIDEO: Watch the moment a cuttlefish unfurls SPIKES from its skin as scientists uncover the secrets behind their incredible camouflage tactics

Watch the moment a cuttlefish unfurls SPIKES from its skin as scientists uncover the secrets behind their incredible camouflage tactics

Cuttlefish and octopuses can erect spikes from their skin to protect themselves

The tactic allows them to blend in with coral or other marine backgrounds

Researchers have determined the anatomical elements that control this feature

Along the way they discovered that squid and cuttlefish might share an ancestor

오징어의 놀라운 무장 피부

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황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

Cuttlefish can erect spikes from their skin to protect themselves. The tactic allows them to blend in with coral or other backgrounds. Researchers have now determined the anatomical features that control this characteristic. Along the way they discovered that squid and cuttlefish might share a common answer. Cuttlefish are found in the North, Mediterranean and Baltic seas.



